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          Arjun was sitting in his cabin doing his work and Darshi came in switching on the t.v. Arjun watched the news telecasting against Arnold and his crimes. He smirked when he got the call from Arnold.

          He picked it up and said "Running for your life already" to which he heard gritting teeth.

          "Actually yes and you are gonna help me" Arnold said making Arjun scoff and continued "So how is everyone in your family? Your mom, sister, brother in law and your in laws?"

           Arjun knew they are safe since they are home and under protection. "Am I missing someone? Yes your your wife where is she? Is she still celebrating  her friend's birthday?"

            Arjun called Sneha's phone but it wasn't working. Darshi who heard their conversation called Priya and he shook his head looking at Arjun.

            "If anything happens to her I'm gonna rip your head off" Arjun warned standing from his previous position.

            " sad, first Sam and now Sneha. What is it with your love life that makes me so attached? Now if you want her safely at home, go to the media and take the evidence saying you created them" with that Arnold cut the call.

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