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Everyone stopped and looked at the hand that caught the stick. Arjun threw the stick and shook his head before hitting the guard. The remaining guards started fighting with him while Arjun dodged all the punches and kicks and started hitting them back effortlessly.

"Listen...Listen carefully. Don't think they are middle class, some are orphans. What will they do if we send goons just to shut their mouths. I'm here and I will stand for them" warning Arjun kicked the guard into Khanna's cabin where the locker doors broke due to the impact scattering the files and papers on the ground along with the music box playing songs in the background with the flow of situation.

Darshi took the papers and read them before collecting them into a file and gave it to Arjun who took them and was walking out when Khanna warned "You'll regret thi-"..

Arjun cut him off "Gammunundavoy (Shut the hell up)" and went from their with his trusted colleagues who helped him in the project.

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