Chapter 30

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Ron called Dre's phone but Dre didn't answer. It's been a few hours and Aaliyah's stomach began growling.

"You hungry?", Ron asked.

Aaliyah ignored him.

"Hey, I'm just trying to offer you a meal before you leave this earth", he said.

"You spent all of your time for these past couple of years, watching us...just to kill us? You could've done it a long time ago", Aaliyah said. "Why wait so long"

"I see you remember me", Ron said. "..but I waited because patience is key. Dre is a hard man to get rid of as you can see, so I needed a plan. My plan didn't work out...yet. But I know I'm getting closer because we got him twice. Once a few years ago when he was at your house and just a few days ago where he could've been dead and you should've been dead"

" used to work for Keem", Aaliyah said.

"You're smart, but you're not that smart. I didn't work him...he was my brother", Ron said.

Aaliyah didn't say anything.

"... it's crazy how you were ready to get some money but didn't even realize that your life was going to end soon", Ron said. "In such a painful way"

"...Well.. unfortunately I wanted it to end many years ago", Aaliyah said.

Ron didn't say anything he just looked down.

"So you'll be doing me a favor", Aaliyah said.

Ron cleared his throat as he stood up. "Well, I wish I could make you the be the first to go but you would have to watch the show first", Ron said.

Aaliyah didn't say anything. She just wanted to know what he had planned.

Ron pulled out a cell phone. "We're going to try this again, or next time I'll just go get the little girl", Ron said. "And I have a heart for babies so I really didn't wanna go that far"

Aaliyah started to get mad. She knew Dre went through a lot and he always got through it. But, Jada was only 5 months, she couldn't fend for herself.

Ron began dialing the number then put the phone on speaker and Dre answered.

"Hello?", Dre answered.

"Hey, Dre", Aaliyah said.

"Hey, where you been? Who phone you using?", Dre said.

"Long story. I don't know the person but I need you to come down here, something doesn't feel right", Ron said.

"I'm already down here. Where are you?", Dre asked.

Aaliyah sighed. "...I love you so much Dre", Aaliyah said.

"I love you too, but where are you?", Dre asked as he started getting nervous.

Ron took his gun and shot Aaliyah in the foot.

Aaliyah gasped and began to shiver because she was in pain.

"Fuck this shit! Dre I need you to come to the address I'm going to text you and you don't need to bring nobody!", Ron shouted. "If I even see another soul that ain't walk onto this property, I will make the next bullet that comes out of this gun, go into her head"

"Dre dont!", Aaliyah shouted as she began crying. "He's going to kill me anyways!"

Ron slapped her with the gun. "Shut up ass up", he said.

Aaliyah head hit the pole and she was knocked out.

Dre was getting mad. "Another person showing up with me ain't what you need to be worried about. Because when I see you, I'm going to kill you", Dre said. "And I promise that"

"I'll love to see you try", Ron said before hanging up.

Ron texted Dre the address and Ron walked into the room. "Go stop the bleeding or whatever you be doing. I shot her in the foot", Ron said.

"I thought you wanted her dead", the other guy said.

"I do. But she has to wait", Ron replied.


Dre was with Kill and a few other guys.

"He wants me to go alone", Dre said.

"But you're not through right?", Killa asked. "I mean even I say that and still do what I wanna do anyways"

"I know but... I can't take any chances", Dre said.

"Why this dude for beef with you anyway?", Killa asked. "Stole his bitch or something?"

"I don't know", Dre replied. "I don't even know who this person is"

" sure Jada gonna be okay with Jay's mom?", Killa asked.

"As far as I know, she will be. Nobody really knows anything about Jay like that", Dre said.

"You better hope so", Killa said.

"I love that baby as much as you do man. Everything I do for her, I would do for my own", Dre said.

"Yea, what about your son? Where is he?", Killa asked.

"Hopefully Nae is somewhere keeping him safe", Dre replied.

Killa nods.

"You really going to go meet this dude on your own", one of the guys asked. "He's going to kill you bruh"

"Man, listen I don't care if I die. I just want the people I love to be safe. Don't you get that??", Dre said. "They guy knows how I did things, everything. And if he's operating in the way I did, his boys aren't just in one location, they're in multiple locations and the minute I do something that goes against his word then not only Aaliyah, but other people will loose their lives. People that are close to me", Dre said. "I'm not loosing anybody else"

"I get what you saying man, but if you know how you operate, then you know how to come up with a plan to fuck him up. Besides, your babymama didn't know everything you did and how you did it", Killa said.

Dre didn't say anything.

"Nobody's dying alright", Killa said. "We gonna come up with something. He may do shit like you, but he ain't you"

"...I just wish I knew what his beef was with me", Dre said.

"Man it dont matter bruh. All that matters is, he about to die today or tonight... whenever we get him", Killa said.

Dre shook his head. "Go get Jada and protect her. I got it from here", Dre said.

"You sure man?", Killa asked.

"Yea", Dre replied before walking to the car.

"...good luck", Killa said.

Dre nods then gets in one of the cars that they rented.


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