Chapter 52

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Aaliyah told Dre the news about her being pregnant once he got home. She didn't tell him about the risk, even though she was debating on doing it or not.

"So What did you do with the boys?", Aaliyah asked.

Dre shrugged his shoulders. "Just chilled", Dre said.

Aaliyah nods.

"What did you and Carmen do?", Dre asked.

"Not go to a club", Aaliyah said as she sat next to him and put her head on his shoulder.

Dre put his arm around her. "Baby, I said I apologize for not telling you. You were sleep anyways and I know you don't play about your sleep", Dre said.

"Mhm", Aaliyah said.

"So how does it feel to be pregnant?", Dre asked. "Well again?"

Aaliyah shrugs her shoulders. "Like any other day", Aaliyah said.

Dre didn't say anything. He was just wondering while Aaliyah was acting the way she did every time he mentioned about her being pregnant or getting pregnant. She was acting funny since they came home from there little getaway.

"Ya know. I was thinking if it was a boy we could name him after after your dad", Dre said. "And if it's a girl, we could make her after my mom"

Aaliyah nods with a smile. "That sounds good", Aaliyah said as she looked to the side of her that Dre wasn't on and turned on the TV.

Dre looked at her as he touched his chin.

"What do you wanna watch?", Aaliyah asked.

"Are you pregnant for real?, Dre asked.

"What kind of show is that?", Aaliyah asked.

"I ain't talking about a show. I'm asking you a question", Dre said. "Are you pregnant?"

"Um yes??", Aaliyah replied with a bit of attitude as she lifted her head up from his shoulder and looked at him. "Why would I lie about that?"

"I don't know. You acting funny", Dre said.

"How am I acting funny Dre?", Aaliyah asked.

"I don't know. You just are", Dre replied.

Aaliyah sighed as she shook her head. "Okay baby", Aaliyah said.

"I mean you have been acting funny since the trip but today is different", Dre said.

Aaliyah giggled a little. "Dre just hush while you're ahead. Nothing is wrong with me", Aaliyah said.

"You made about me going to club or something?", Dre said.

Aaliyah face became serious. "If I was mad mad, you'll know", she said.

"Yea you mad", Dre said.

Aaliyah rolled her eyes. "Dre I don't mind you having fun. It's what you do with your time, while you're having fun is what I mind", Aaliyah asked. "But i trust you so I ain't worried"

Dre smiled. "Look at you, improving", he said.

"Unlike somebody I know", Aaliyah asked.

"What is that supposed to mean?", Dre asked as he looked confused.

"Last week, when that guy was talking to me at the mall", Aaliyah said.

"Hey, it's not my fault that as soon as we split up to go to different stores that somebody tryna holla at you", Dre said.

"He wasn't. He was trying to get me to buy whatever he was selling at that little thing", Aaliyah said. "Just like everybody else who sell stuff in the middle of the mall"

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