Chapter 26

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Aaliyah stayed at the apartment while Dre stayed at a hotel.

Aaliyah was on the phone with Jay at the time while she was driving.

"Jay, I just think I fucked up this time", Aaliyah said. "I was so scared of him leaving me, so I tried to leave him first but I didn't want to and I don't know what things are going to be like"

"I mean Aaliyah you gotta admit, you did keep something big from him", Jay said.

"I know... and that's the thing", Aaliyah said.

"...but how are you doing?", Jay asked.

"I'm getting there", Aaliyah said. "I haven't taken anything yet so I'm off to a good start"

"That's good sis", Jay said.

"But do you think weed would be okay?", Aaliyah asked.

"No", Jay replied.

"Right", Aaliyah replied.

"...what you doing?", Jay asked.

"I'm about to go see Jada", Aaliyah replied. "She's at Killa's house"

"Dre ain't too fond of Killa", Jay said.

"Tell me something I don't know", Aaliyah said. "I mean, I'm not too fond of him neither but I don't have a choice...but let me go I'm here"

"Alright. Talk to you later", Jay said.

"Talk to you later", Aaliyah replied. "Bye"

"Bye", Jay replied.

Aaliyah hung up and got out the car. She saw some guys standing outside as she walked up.

"Carmen, right?", the guy asked.

"No. Aaliyah", Aaliyah replied.

The guy nods and opens the door for her and Aaliyah walks in.

After walking in, she looks around and doesn't see anyone. Suddenly, killa came downstairs with Jada and her bag.

"Hey", Killa said.

"Hey", Aaliyah replied. " did you tell Dre I was here yesterday?"

"No, why?", Killa asked.

Aaliyah shook her head. "Nothing", Aaliyah replied.

"...ya know Dre isn't dumb right?", Killa asked.

Aaliyah nods. "I know", she replied.

"Did he go back to hospital?", Killa asked.

"No. He had me drop him off at a hotel. Do you even know where he went last night?", Aaliyah asked.

"Here. He thought I put that hit on them", Killa replied.

"..well did you?", Aaliyah asked.

"No", Killa replied. "I wouldn't do that too nun of my boys"

Aaliyah looked down.

"But why is he at a hotel?", Killa asked.

Aaliyah sighed as she looked at him. "I don't really want to talk about it", she replied.

Killa nods. "That's understandable ", Killa replied. "But just know every couple goes through things but it's up to the both of you to make it right"

Aaliyah looked at him for a moment. "Ya know...for the type of bad things you do, you are a nice person to talk to", Aaliyah said. "I never really thought you could be like this"

"I get that a lot", Killa said.

Aaliyah reaches for Jada and Killa have her to her.

"Hey lil mama", Aaliyah said Jada in a baby voice.

Killa smiled a little.

Aaliyah gave Jada kisses and Killa was still looking at her.

Aaliyah looked at him. "What?", she asked.

"Nothing. I was just going to ask you if you were doing good with that problem?", Killa asked.

Aaliyah nods. "I'm fine. I've been doing the things that I learned at the rehab", Aaliyah said. "So, so far I haven't had the urge"

"That's good Aaliyah", Killa said as he handed her jada's bag.

"Thank you", she said as she got the bag from him.

Suddenly, he heard Aaliyah stomach growling.

"Damn", he said.

"I know", Aaliyah said as she felt a little embarrassed. "I'm starving. I haven't ate still yesterday afternoon"

"Really?", he asked.

"Yea. I just wasn't in the mood to eat after what happened with Dre", Aaliyah said.

"I got a sub in the kitchen, if you want to eat it", he said.

"You just got subs laying around?", she asked jokingly.

Killa chuckled a little. "Nah, I was going to eat it but You can have it if you want to", he said.

Aaliyah was quiet for a moment. "...ya's like your a whole different person compared to when I first met you", she said. "But I guess that was before I became your babymama?"

Killa looked to the side. "Ya know, you gotta start somewhere", he said. "But I messed admit, I'm still that same person you met I just have a certain way I act around certain people"

Aaliyah nods. " does Dre", she said. "Compared to when we first met, he's like a whole new person especially around me"

"I could see why", Killa said.

"...what do you mean?", she asked.

"Um...I mean like he loves you", he said as he scratched the back of his neck.

Aaliyah looks down. "I messed up bad, so I don't even know", she replied. "But, I'm good on the sandwich. In the mood for wings, anyway"

"That is my favorite food", Killa said.

"Really? Mine too", Aaliyah replied with a slight smile.

"Cool", he said.

"But um...I'm about to go. I'll see you later", Aaliyah said as she walked to the door.

Killa followed her and opened the door for her. "See you later", he said before getting closer to get to tickle Jada's stomach. "And I'll see you little too pretty girl"

Aaliyah smiled. "I see you aren't terrified anymore", she said.

Killa looked at Aaliyah. "Yea. With your help, I got the hang of it", he said. "You made me more confident of knowing I can be able to care for her with no problem"

Aaliyah nods. "Well, I'm glad I could help", she replied.

Killa nods as he just stands there looking at her.

Aaliyah waited a few seconds for him to move but he didn't. "You good?", she asked.

Killa snapped out of it. "Yea", he said quickly as he moved out of her way.

Aaliyah passed him a made a face so he wouldn't see. Her face went back to normal once she looked back at him. "Bye", she said.

"Bye. Be safe", he said.

Aaliyah nods and walks to her car.

"Girl, what is his problem?", Aaliyah whispered to Jada jokingly.



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