Chapter 7

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That night Aaliyah got to Carmen's house and Carmen was surprised to see her because she didn't know she was coming. Aaliyah told Carmen what had happened tonight.

"I knew it!", Carmen said.

"Yea", Aaliyah said as she looked down.

"What's wrong?", Carmen asked.

"Dre...I tried to call the both of them since I got here and I can't get an answer"

"...maybe they're still taking care of business", Carmen said. "Come on, Dre and Jay have been through worst things"

Jada began crying.

Aaliyah stood up to get Jada her bottle. "You don't know Kurt", Aaliyah said.

"I know that Kurt is an asshole for taking a baby", Carmen said. "And he can't be any worst than Killa"

Aaliyah didn't say anything.

"Sorry. I know you don't like hearing that name", Carmen said.

Aaliyah sighed.

Carmen looked at Jada as Aaliyah feed her. "...did you ever get it back?", Carmen asked Aaliyah as she looked up at her.

"Get what back?", Aaliyah asked.

"...the DNA results", Carmen said.

Aaliyah nods. "A few weeks ago", Aaliyah said.

"And?", Carmen asked.

Aaliyah was quiet as she slowly shook her head.

Carmen looked down.

Aaliyah began tearing up. "I don't know-", Aaliyah sniffed. "I don't know who to tell him"

"Aaliyah it wasn't your fault", Carmen said.

"It was my fault", Aaliyah said.

"You had no control over it! Killa was going to rape you either way", Carmen said.

Aaliyah wiped her tears.

"Dre will understand", Carmen said.

"He was so happy that he finally had a baby girl", Aaliyah said. "Or thinks he does and now he's risking his life for a child that isn't even his"

"Aaliyah just stop okay", Carmen said.

"It's true Carmen", Aaliyah said. "I should gotten the test down earlier but I was scared. Now because of it, he has grown a huge bond with Jada and I love it so much but it's not truthful"

Carmen didn't say anything.

"And now I'm here. In the same city as Killa", Aaliyah said.

"Aaliyah. How about I care for Jada for the rest of the night and you get some rest", Carmen said.

Aaliyah sighed. "...okay", said Aaliyah before handing Jada to Carmen.

"Hey niecey Pooh", said Carmen to Jada as she rocked her.

Aaliyah smiled a little then stopped as she went upstairs.


Jay was taking cover as he was loading his bullet when one of Kurt's guys came up on him.

Jay closed his eyes and heard the gun go off after a few seconds he opened them and saw the guy on the ground and felt a huge relief come over him.

Dre walked over to Jay. "Don't say I never had your back", said Dre with a smile.

"Vice versa", Jay said as he stood up.

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