Chapter 70

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Later, that night Dre called Aaliyah to for the fifth time to check up on her.

"Dre, I'm okay alright? That's always going to be my answer", Aaliyah said.

Dre sighed.

"I haven't see you all day, what's up with that?", Aaliyah asked. "This is what I mean. When I need you the most you aren't there for me. It has always been like that from day 1. Yea you keep me protected but I need you Dre"

"I know, I know and I'll be there", Dre said.

Aaliyah shook her head. "Okay", Aaliyah said.

"Aright. I love you", Dre said.

"I love you too", Aaliyah replied.

Dre hung up and put his phone down and sighed.

Suddenly, his phone rang again and he thought it was Aaliyah but it was Nae. He had been trying to call her all day.

Dre answered the phone. "Where are you?", Dre asked.

"Don't worry I'm near", she said.

Dre stood up and looked around. "Where?", he asked.

"Don't worry where but I now I have a offer", Nae said.

"I don't care. Just leave my wife and her daughter alone", Dre said as he peaked out the window.

"Wow, she really isn't yours?", Nae asked. "And you stand with her after she cheated?"

"Nae, just quit", Dre said. "What is your problem?"

"My problem is I am alone and you deserve to be too...but I guess your little wife is just as hard to kill but not as far to damage being that she's paralyzed", Nae said.

"That shit ain't funny", Dre said.

"I mean things could be worst right. She could be dead, right along with the baby in her stomach. Oh I'm sorry twin babies", she said.

Dre made a face. "How did you know that", Dre asked.

"I learned from the best", Nae said.

Dre makes a face. "You bugged me?", he asked

"You should really check your pants legs at all times", Nae said.

"You're pushing it", Dre said.

"What are you going to do? Kill me? I don't think so because you couldn't even answer her question", Nae said. "Which means you still love me"

"I don't", Dre replied.

"You do. Listen, I know those guys weren't shit. I knew they weren't going to last. I just had to save the big guns for later. Well for a last resort", Nae said. "I just wanted you to know I'm not playing"

"Playing about what?", Dre asked.

"You can do one of two things. Give me another baby and I will leave and you will never have to see me again, or I will make your life a living hell. Dre I know your strengths, weakness, I know everything", she said.

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