Chapter 33

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Around 8a.m. Dre woke up and realized he was still in Nae's house.

"Oh shit", he said as he quickly got up.

Nae began to wake up because she heard Dre and felt him get out the bed.

Dre took his phone out of his pocket and it was dead.

"I gotta go", Dre said as he started walking to the door.

"Wait", Nae said.

Dre stop and looked at her even though he was in a hurry to leave.

"Thank you", she said.

"You're welcome", Dre said as he walked out.


Aaliyah didn't sleep all night because she was worried about Dre. Right now she was in carmen's room crying.

"Aaliyah, I'm sure that he is okay", Carmen said.

"He said he was on the way here Carmen", Aaliyah said.

Carmen sighed.

"Just leave me alone alright", Aaliyah said.

"You've been hostile towards me since I got here", Carmen said. "Why?"

"Why? Because since day one you haven't been telling me the whole truth", Aaliyah said. "I got shot because of you and you told me that you were just affiliated with Killa, not that he was your ex! How am I supposed to know that you weren't helping him at time"

"Just because he was my ex doesn't mean we were on good terms", Carmen replied. "I didn't tell you that because I didn't want you to think that I was the bad guy. You're alive, therefore I was helping you!"

Aaliyah folded her arms.

Suddenly, it was a knock at the door.

Carmen got up and answered the door and it was Killa.

"What's up", Killa said as he walked in.

"Hey", Carmen replied as she moved out his way. He didn't even look at her.

Killa walked to Aaliyah. "Why are you crying?", Killa asked.

Carmen shook her head. "I'm about to go to the vending machine", Carmen said. "Do you want something Aaliyah?"

"Water", Aaliyah replied.

Carmen grabbed her hotel key and walked out.

"Dre did come", Aaliyah said.

"...did you try calling him?", Killa asked.

"His phone is dead and he never lets his phone die", Aaliyah said.

Killa didn't say anything for a moment. "I don't think anything is wrong with him", Killa said.

"I'm tired of y'all saying that when you don't even know", Aaliyah said.

"But I do know where-"

Killa stopped talking because there was a knock at the door. He got up and opened it and it was Dre.

Dre made a face for a quick moment because he didn't expect Killa to open the door.

"Good timing", Killa whispered.

Killa knew where Dre was the whole time because Jay told him.

Dre walked into the room and looked at Aaliyah.

"Talk to y'all later", Killa said before walking out.

"Where in the hell have you been?", Aaliyah asked.

"I am so sorry baby", Dre said.

"I was worried about you", Aaliyah said. "Where were you?"

"...after the police and everybody else came and took Andre's body, i um.. I went to Nae's house to make sure that she was okay and made it there safe", Dre said.

"... all night?", Aaliyah asked.

Dre sighed. "I accidentally fell asleep", Dre said

Aaliyah looked down and shook her head.

"Aaliyah, you gotta understand that her son, our son just died and she's alone. Nobody wants to be alone during a time like that", Dre said.

Aaliyah nods.

"The only way I see you falling asleep is if you were laying down", Aaliyah said. "In her bed?"

"Aaliyah, we didn't do anything", Dre said.

Aaliyah shook her head and chuckled a little bit.

"I swear", Dre said.

"Okay", Aaliyah replied. "I believe you... I just don't understand why you couldn't have let me know in the first place"

Dre didn't say anything, he just looked at her.

"And that's the reason why I feel like I shouldn't believe you", Aaliyah said. "And at that I mean come on Dre, she still has feelings for you"

Dre looked down.

"...and you knew that?", Aaliyah asked.

Dre looked at her. "What makes you think that?", Dre asked.

"I can tell. She always has an attitude with me for no reason and she felt some type of way when we got married", Aaliyah said. "It's just a lot of signs"

Dre sighs. "Well, I think you're reading them wrong because she doesn't have feelings for me", Dre said.

"How do you know?", Aaliyah asked.

"Because she told me", Dre replied. "Listen, and even if she did it doesn't matter because I vowed to be with you"

Aaliyah looked down.

"...but why was Killa here?", Dre asked. "Where's Carmen"

"He was checking on me I guess and Carmen went to the lobby. You didn't see her?", Aaliyah said.

"No", Dre asked.

"Oh", Aaliyah said. "Must have gotten on another elevator"

Dre nods. "How's your foot?", Dre asked.

"I've been shot in it, so you tell me", Aaliyah said.

"Right. Dumb question", Dre said.

"...but I'm glad you're okay", Aaliyah said.

"Vice versa", Dre replied.

Aaliyah smiled a little, then stopped. " know we still need to find Ron", Aaliyah said.

"Yea, we do...I can afford to loose anyone else", Dre said.

"Me neither...listen this guy knows a lot about us. More than I expected", Aaliyah said. "He found our weaknesses and not afraid to do anything to tear us down more than we already been down... I think we maybe need to play the same game"

"...I don't know shit about him", Dre said. "None of us do and you're not getting into this"

"My life is on the line too and maybe even Jada's...I'm already in it", Aaliyah said. "You put me in it from day one"

"You're right... I did", Dre said as he looked down. "I really didn't think you'd have any backlash and I'm sorry"

"It's okay. It was my choice", Aaliyah replied. "...I'm just going to sleep and we can talk about this later, okay?"

"Iight", Dre replied. "Just stay in here because I'm not going to be in my room"

Aaliyah nods as she lays on the bed.

Dre kisses her forehead. "I love you", he said.

"I love you too", Aaliyah replied.

Dre put the covers on her and left as Aaliyah closed her eyes.


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