Chapter 51

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It's been a month and Aaliyah wasn't pregnant yet. Dre and Aaliyah weren't upset about it because they know it takes time.

Aaliyah was currently at Carmen's house while Dre was out with Killa. Also, Killa and Carmen are slowly but surely getting back together.

"Those boys have been hanging out more than usual", Aaliyah said.

"I know right", Carmen said. "Last night, I can't believe Dre went to the club with them"

"Club?", Aaliyah asked. "Uh uh. Dre was working last night"

"..oh well maybe I misheard", Carmen said as she made a face as if she was in trouble.

Aaliyah pulled her phone out. "Uh uh", she said as she FaceTimed Dre.

"Oh shit", Carmen mumbled.

Dre answered the call. "FaceTime? I must be in trouble", he said.

"You went to the club last night? You didn't say anything about the club", Aaliyah said.

"It was just something we did after a job", Dre said.

"You didn't think to tell me Andre?", Aaliyah asked.

"No. I didn't think it was a big deal", Dre said.

"I mean it's not what the fuck did you do while you were there?", she asked.

Olin came in the camera. "Ay my man was chillin", he said. "Ain't even look a bitch way"

Dre shook his head and moved the camera from off Olin. "I was just chillin bae. They were driving last night so..", Dre said.

"...okay", Aaliyah said.

"You said that you trusted me 100% bae", Dre said.

"I do", Aaliyah said.

"So, why you doing this?", Dre asked.

Aaliyah sighed. "I don't know. Just have fun", Aaliyah said. "I'll see you at home"

"Ay, did you take that test yet?", he asked.

"Yea. Waiting on the results", Aaliyah said.

"Alright. Just let me know", Dre said. "I'll see you when I get home. I love you"

"Okay", Aaliyah said. "I love you too"

"Iight bye", dre said.

"Bye", Aaliyah replied before hanging up.

Carmen shook her head. "See relationships are too much. No matter if it's a girl or a boy it's just too much to be worrying about", Carmen said.

"So, you're not upset with Killa going to the club. I mean let's be real, you ain't gonna go there just to sit around.", Aaliyah said. "It's always going to a bitch or two and it's not like they some dum, ugly dudes"

"Well Olin isn't that cute", Carmen said.

"Carmen you know what I meant", Aaliyah said.

Carmen shrugs her shoulders. "We aren't even official", she said. "I don't need him up my ass right now so I'm not about to be up his", she said.

Aaliyah sat down. "Okay. So what about Dre?", she asked.

"Aaliyah I don't know. Last time he was really sorry about cheating so...maybe he meant it", Carmen said. "Y'all did y'all secret wedding ceremony, so maybe that was his first step"

Carmen rolled her eyes.

"Look I know you wanted to be a maid of honor and you were supposed to. I didn't know Dre was going to do that", Aaliyah said.

"Yea, yea", Carmen said acting like she didn't wanna hear it. "It's okay"

Aaliyah sighed.

"Don't you wanna go check on your results", Carmen asked.

"No", Aaliyah said softly.

"Why not?", Carmen asked.

"Well...after Jada I got on birth control", Aaliyah said. "But while me and Dre was on the boat, I stopped taking it"

Carmen looked at her with a blank, confused stare for a moment. "...what does that have to do with looking at your results?",Carmen asked.

"The reason that I was on birth control in the first place was because the doctor advised me not to have anymore children", Aaliyah said.

"Get to the point", Carmen said.

"He said it's a possibility I can...die during birth", Aaliyah said.

Carmen didn't say anything.

"But they also said I can't have kids but look at that beautiful healthy baby upstairs", Aaliyah said.

"Yea Aaliyah but it's always a chance", Carmen said. "I don't think you should risk that"

Aaliyah shrugs her shoulders as she begins to
get overwhelmed. "That would break Dre's heart", Aaliyah said.

"But he knows it's better than loosing you", Carmen said.

"He's wants a child, Carmen. Especially after what just happened to Andre. I get what he's feeling right now", Aaliyah said. "...if I can't give that to him, what makes you think he won't get tired of that and get it from somebody else and start a whole new life with somebody else who can give him more than I can?"

"If he leaves you because of it than it was never meant to be", Carmen said. "Simple"

Aaliyah looks down.

"'s your life and your decision", Carmen said. "I just want what's best"

Aaliyah got up and walked into bathroom after sitting there for five minutes. Once she went into the bathroom she looked at the pregnancy test that read positive. She took a deep breath then threw it away.

Aaliyah walked out and Carmen looked at her.

"So?", Carmen asked. "What did it say?"

Aaliyah faked smiled. "I'm pregnant", Aaliyah said.

Carmen nods as she looks down. "I'm happy because I want to think the positive but...Aaliyah I'm scared", Carmen said.

"Me too..that is why I am going to start getting right with God and going to church and doing good things", Aaliyah said.

Carmen nods. "But are you going to tell Dre?", she asked.

"No", Aaliyah said. "He has enough on his plate"

"What happened to not lying anymore between the two of you?", Carmen asked.

"I'm not lying..he hasn't asked so I'm not lying. I just want him to help his mental health", Aaliyah said.

"Aaliyah...he lost his mother, his son, and if he looses his wife, if mental health wouldn't be the only thing on the line", Carmen said. "You may think that you're not being selfish because what you're doing is for him but you're being selfish by making the decisions to put your life on the line and not talking to him first"

"..Dre puts his life on the line all the time without consulting me, because he believes whatever he's going to do in the moment is to protect me and keep me safe...why can't I do the same? Since we're been together, he's been working harder to build this relationship than me, harder to make me happy and all I've been doing is making him angry, pushing him away, blaming him for things and making him feel like the bad person. I told him I wanna be better to him, I wanna be a different person. I just wanna make him happy and by the grace of God, he will be happy with me and his child if I can have her and if I can just have one more miracle. Either way I'm pregnant and I'm not aborting this child"

Carmen sat back. "Okay", Carmen said. "Alright"

They could hear Jada crying through the baby monitor.

"She's probably hungry", Aaliyah said before walking upstairs.

Carmen sighed.


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