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Asahi's POV

"SNEAKY HYUNGDEUL! BACK OFF!!!" We all walked back and watched as Junghwan and a maid walked towards Areum.

They brought Areum to her room and Junghwan went back to the living room.

"Did you tell your mom?" Junghwan shook his head.

"I managed to sneak a maid out without them noticing."

He looked at the three and shook his head.

"I know what will happen if mom finds out that she lets strange men sleep in her condo."

"We're not strange!" I looked at Junkyu who's pouting.

Well, yeah. Fighting over who's bottle ate their snack turns out to be normal.

"Well, hyung. I have something to ask you..."

Junghwan brought out a box and a rose.

"I won't be your boyfriend."

"What?! No! I asked a girl out and we're supposed to meet up!"

Junghwan looked at the three guys before his gaze shifted to me.

"I wanted to ask you to take care of my noona... I trust you."

I chuckled at his expression and ruffled his hair.

"You don't have to ask me. I'm going to do it, anyways."


"So we'll go ahead." I waved goodbye as they left Areum's condo. Junghwan already left with the maid a little bit earlier than the boys.

I went inside Areum's bedroom and sat at her bed.

Why am I so stupid? All she's ever done is think about my safety.

I don't deserve her.

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