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[Joker x Y/n]

[As you know, Ryuna has passed Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry, she has been following The-boy-who-lived. To defeat He-who-must-not-be-named. But there in Azkaban (Wizard prison) Another criminal escaped, causing Dementors to loosen up and search across dimensions]

{3rd person POV}

"Oh my god, just snog already!" Ryuna laughed her head off, her friends from Hogwarts has come to visit her, Y/n and Joker were there to. All of the other students are encouraging them to date already. "Oh shut up Ryun" Y/n giggled blushing. "You two look cute together" Hermione smiled.

"I know right, they just wouldn't admit it!" Spade whined earning a glare from Y/n. "So how's it going there at... Hogwarts?" Harry Rose a brow at Joker's question, "Hogwarts? The war ended--" "You mean the dark lord is defeated?! That's great news! Blimey, i would love to go back there!" Ryuna squealed.

"Uh... Guys, hate to break it... But what are those?!" Y/n screamed, the Hogwarts students looked at where Y/n is pointing, seeing Dementors. "How'd they get in here?! Not important, guys! Remember the patronus charm?" Harry pointed out his wand.

"There are a lot of Dementors, so we might as well fight together... Since Y/n nor Joker knows magic" Ryuna pointed her wand with the others. "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" The wizards shouted, white-almost blue light blinded in the Sky Joker, forming certain animals.

The dementors bashed out leaving the sky Joker, little did they know... One stayed hidden in the shadows.

{Y/n POV}

After the past events, Ryuna had to go to Hogwarts for some reasons, i was left with Joker on the Sky Joker, "Those Dementors were scary" I shivered, "I know... Wait" Joker glared at something, then changed to fear, "D-DEMENTOR DEMENTOR!" My eyes widened at his statement.

I looked behind me, finding a dementor, "Oh god! What's it gonna do?! What do Dementors do! Anyone HELP!" I shrieked. Just then i remembered a certain charm that Ryuna told me. I grabbed the bracelet with my name charm in it.

"Fallento Charm" I mumbled, [F/c] Light appeared from my bracelet, soon forming into none other than my cousins. "Y/n? Why did-- Holly sh-" Spade got cut off by Ryuna. "Language! But where's my wand?!" She groaned. 'Great, it's getting closer!' i started to panic. "Y/n, hey Y/n.. Look at me" I stared at Joker's eyes. Seeing love in them.

He hugged me, turning to a cuddle. "Snog somewhere else you two" Ryuna said out of nowhere. "What? Where'd the--" "Dementors? They came..." She said pointing at her friends. "Anyways, kiss already" Spade said pushing me to Joker. And it finally happened...


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