✨ Apparition

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[Joker]: So Charm is a... Ghost?

[Charm]: It's Apparition.

[Joker]: Whatever, Charm is an Apparition... What about Scorpio?

[Scorpio]: I'm also an Apparition...

[Rylan]: Their boundary is Author's house. But i have no idea what's their Yoishiro...

[Exclipse]: Me too... I think their Yoishiro is... Eh- what is their Yoishiro author?

[Ryuna]: *Sips tea* Hm... I'm not allowed to tell.

[Charm & Scorpio]: Thank you so much for not telling Author-san!

[Ryuna]: Mhm... Say, is it true that there is gonna be a 5th season?

[All KJ Squad]: We hope so!

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