✨ S E A S O N 5 ?

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[Ryuna/ Aurthor]: Hello Everyone! I am Ryuna slash the Author of this Kaitou Joker oneshot book! I was informed about there being a Season 5 of the Kaitou Joker Series.

I got this information from:
Deku2410 from their Kaitou Joker book: Basically it's Kaitou Joker.
I have watched the trailer and i'm not spoiling anything for your own good. But for me... Curiosity killed the cat...

I'll give you a few clue's... Let's see if you can figure it out:


1] A character that was a misunderstood became one of the main characters. Along with a main character (I'm hopping for a brother bond).

2] A character has retreated to earth fulfilling their promise to a main character. Returning something that was labeled the main characters treasure.

3] A side character has more screen time, this character is an opposite twin of a main character (They're not blood related)

4] (This one pisses Exclipse) A character kissed with a character, that being said in the past four seasons. This character had one-sided-love.

[Exclipse]: I hate the fourth one...

[Ryuna]: Rylan, go confront your genderband

[Rylan]: On it, yes ma'am

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