💭 Rolling girl

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[This is another request from KaitouRedFox ]

{Joker POV}

"Joker, where's Y/n...? She's been gone for minutes now..." Exclipse frowned. "I honestly don't know: She said she'll be with that Yawning Jerk--" "I'm not with Y/n-chan" The yawning jerk popped out of no where, "EH?!" The three of us shouted. "FOR SALAZAR'S SAKE JOKER DRIVE THIS THING. WE GOTTA FIND Y/N!!!!" Exclipse threw me to the control room.

{Exclipse POV}

I bit my lip, we've been travelling for TEN MINUTES! A LOT CAN HAPPEN IN 10 MINUTES! "Ryun! Isn't that her? WHAT IS SHE DOING ON TOP OF A MOUNTAIN?!" Spade shouted. 'Hold up-' "MOUNTAIN?!?!" I shouted. "JOKER! PUT THIS GOD DAMN THING ON AUTO PILOT OR WHATEVER WE'RE JUMPING OFF THIS THING!" I shouted dragging him.

"Hell no! We won't survive: EVEN WITH A BROOMSTICK!" He warned. I panicked more. "Y/n! What are you doing?!" Spade shouted. She looked up at us smiling weakly, beginning to let herself roll down the mountain, "Y/N!!!" Joker shouted.

{Y/n POV}

I let myself roll down, and after what seemed like forever, i have reached the part of the mountain where i could rest... In peace...

Goodbye world, see you next time...

[I'm sorry if this wasn't what you were expecting: I was rushed]

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