🃏 Apple's and Memories

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[An extremely rare Dump x Trio Charms fiction]

{Dump POV}

"President D" One of my assistant called. "What is it?" I glared at him. "You have visitors" He stuttered. "Let them in" I sigh, thinking it was another one of those gold diggers... Useless. "D!" Voices shouted knocking me out of my thoughts, i looked up seeing not who i was expecting to see: Instead, i saw three people standing there with smug looks.

"Miss us?" The oldest grinned. "Don't be so confident" I said coolly. "Ah, same old D" The youngest sighed shaking their head. "And what brings you here? [C/n]? Exclipse? Spade?" I ask, each of them looking up when i called them out.

"C/n? (Code name), how formal!" C/n gasped. "Come on D, you know our names" The middle aged frowned. "I do" I said smirking. "If you know it then say it" The eldest told me. "Alright, Y/n, Ryuna, and King" I took a bite out of my apple. "Heh, got that right Dump" Exclipse leaned on the doorframe.

{Y/n POV}

"And you asked why we're here? We promised you we'd be your friends right? Don't think we have forgotten" Ryuna said winking.


"We understand you now" Y/n panted. "Back then we were so focused on ourself's... We never thought about how you would've felt" King admitted. "But... You're right, we did change" Ryuna said slowly. "So now we understand now" She continued smiling.

"You've always wanted friends right?" Y/n asked smirking,
Dump stared at them and started tearing up. "Shut up! I never wanted something t-that childish!" Dump cried a waterfall. "We're sorry for what happened back there" King apologised.

Dump cried harder, his nose started to run, "Here, your nose is running... It's filthy" King handed him a handkerchief. "Shut up!" Dump said yanking the handkerchief, blowing his nose.
The three stared at him dumbfounded before they started laughing. 

~Flashback ends here~

"That was truly fun to remember" Ryuna grinned. "Oh shut up" Dump rolled his eyes, "Apples? You never change huh?" Spade took one of the apples passing it to me. Which i took a bite out of.

"This was the first thing you gave us when we met remember?" Exclipse reminded. I smiled nodding. Even Dump smiled a little. "I was really dumb that day" Dump admitted. "Forget about you being Dumb, we got a day to spend: Not as Friends's nor Enemies... But as a family" Exclipse said.

"Family...?" Dump mumbled. "Yes family, we were one before. Why not now?" Y/n pulled Dump from his chair. "Now go get ready, we're leaving until midnight" Spade warned. The two girls grinned. After Dump got ready, Spade and Y/n looked at Exclipse who smirked.

"I know that look, go ahead" Dump rolled his eyes playfully while saying that. "Bombarda" Exclipse casted, the glass exploded. Making a big hole, they jumped through the hole to four broomsticks. "Until Next Time, Adieu~!" The four laughed, having the time of their lives.

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