✨Incorrect quotes [6]

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Joker: You love me right?

Y/n, Sarcastically: No..

Joker: *Sobbing* Wait, i thought you did...

Y/n: Oh hell, wait no i was being sarcastic. Don't be sad!--

Ryuna: Alright. We have the camera ready. Charm, you're the mother. Rylan, you're the father. Scorpio is the baby and Exclipse is the sister...

Rylan: I don't wanna be a father-

Ryuna: Magnificent! You know your lines already!

Scorpio: How the hell am i a baby--

Aeko: Hey Nii-chan, are you free? Around 8 PM?

Joker: Yeah, i'm free.

Aeko: How about you Y/n-Nee?

Y/n: I'm free!

Aeko: Awesome! Cause i'm not. Enjoy your date~!

Spade: Did she just--

Joker: I did something bad today..

Shadow: Does it affect me?

Joker: No-

Shadow: Then suffer in silence.

Joker: *Gets down on one knee*

Joker: Y/n L/n, will you watch My Little Pony with me on Valentine's day?

Aeko, in the background about to shoot him with an arrow: JUST PROPOSE ALREADY GOD DAMN IT!

Twitter: Type your password

Joker: *Types Hachi*

Twitter: Your password is to short

Joker: *Wheezes*


Joker: Jones!

Y/n: L/n!

Joker: Jones!

Y/n: L/n!

Joker: Jones!

Y/n: L/n!

Aeko: Why are they screaming?

Ryuna: They're looking for a reason to get closer so that they could kiss, probably.

Joker: The stars are beautiful...

Queen: Yeah.

Joker: You know what else is beautiful?

Queen, Blushing: What is?

Joker: Y/n..

Aeko & Ryuna: *Happy Squealing*

Ryuna: I got the clowns, the balloons, and 12 gallons of blood!

Joker: Where did you get 12 Gallons of fake blood?

Ryuna, Sharpening a knife that has blood on it: You wanted fake blood?

Y/n: *Talks bad about herself*

Joker: Like, can you not? That's my girlfriend you're talking about.

Ryuna: There is no way he likes you.

Queen: I bet you Joker would throw himself in front of a car for me!

Ryuna: Please, as his biological, sane, perfectly steady, Simp, Not Tsundere, and definitely not Yandere sister. he'd throw himself in front of a car for fun.

Y/n: I heard a shocking rumour today!--

Ryuna: Only one? But i started like 20 today...

Aeko: What's on your kind right now?

Joker: Instead of a brain, there is Y/n

Twilight: Wait-

Joker: I was diagnosed three months ago.

Shadow, got struck by a love arrow the cupid had: Aww, look at you getting all romantic with the candles~

Exclipse: First of all i'm about to sacrifice you-

Joker: I think you look like the sun

Joker: Cause you blind me

Y/n: I thought it was because if you come to close to me you'll die...

Y/n: But both works.

Y/n: I'm an idiot...





Ryuna: Y/n dear if your waiting for him to agree with you then get ready for no-sleep-marathon.

Y/n: Morning Joker~ your hair is a mess.

Joker, Sleepy: Well your life is a mess.

Y/n: But you're my life...

Joker: I am insulted but very much in love with you.

Y/n: I'm having problems with this person--

Ryuna: Kill them.

Y/n: What? No!

Ryuna: Oh alright, i'll kill them for you then~!

Y/n: HOLD ON NO-!!

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