💭 Dreams and Miracles

112 7 2

[Joker x Y/n]

{Y/n POV}

I wonder what's it like... Being normal... Being... Perfect... I've always wonder how i'll sound... When i speak... I can't speak... I'm selectively mute...
"She's really weird"
"She never talks"
"She has no friends"
"She's a real weirdo..."

Everyone calls me weird for not talking. Just then the speakers spoke up. "Attention students, i hope you all gather to the school hall. An announcement from the school is coming" The megaphones beamed.

Students rushed to the hall, the principal was there holding... Joker's advance notice. "I have an Advance note from Kaitou Joker, he's here to steal the Trophy of possession and to get his girlfriend... Which one of you here is that bastard Kaitou's girlfriend?!" The principal barked.

I looked down nervously. 'Why would he tell them? This is awkward... Ah shoot....' I felt my face heating up. "Mrs. L/n? Do you perhaps know what's going on?" The principal looked at me. "I-uh-i-i--" I felt the whole school stare at me whispering things.

Just then Joker flew down holding the treasure he was aiming. "I'm taking this! And my girlfriend!" He picked me up bridal style, "Eek-" I gasped. "Welcome To The Shining Night!" He dashed to i don't even know where.

"Joker! Why did you tell them" I whined in embarrassment. "i had fun teasing you anyways love~" he kissed my cheek, leaving me speechless.

Part 2, yeay orang nay?

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