✨ T&D

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"Why not?" Ryuna smiled sheepishly. "You mean it??" Y/n squealed. "I'm the author after all" She clapped her hands together, everyone in the Kaitou Joker squad came. "Well people, Y/n here has informed me she wanted a gaming night with all of us... Dr. Wig arse why are you here? Get out of the Sky Joker peasant" She kicked Dr. Neo to who knows where.

"Anyways... Who's first?" Nene sweatdroped at what just happened. "First of all, i pick truth" Ryuna leaned back at her chair. "Have you ever kissed someone?" Joker asked her sister. "I have" She smiled innocently. "Who?!" Spade barked. "My mother, father, and sister" Ryuna grinned at the silent boy.

"Next! Rylan, truth or dare?" Twilight tilted her head. "Truth" The boy pouted. "Have you ever had a fight with Exclipse?" Twilight asked. Exclipse sent an eye-to-eye message to Rylan and they nodded in unison. "Three times" Rylan and Exclipse said happily.

"Okay... Truth or dare Dark Eye?" Charm smirked. "Dare" Dark eye gulped. "I dare you to let me take you flying after this game! I'm an apparition and all after all!" Charm grinned. "S-sure" Dark Eye gulped nervously. She was only nervous what Charm would do... "Right... Truth or dare Aki?" Shadow rose a brow.

"Truth!" She smiled. "Do you like someone?" He asked. "I do, it's Silver" She stated. No regrets whatsoever. "Nii-chan! Truth or dare?" Nene asked Joker. "Dare" He shrugged. The two female Jones grinned. "We dare you to sit in one room with Hosshi!" They said in unison. "Wait what! No!!" "Sorry Nii-chan!" They put their brother and Hosshi in one room.

"Well that will end this chapter... I know i haven't done everyone. But oh well, Adieu!" "Who are you talking to?" "No one!"

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