💭Till my last breath

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[Y/n x Joker]

3rd Person POV

"Dr. Neo has Y/n" Ryuna shouted panicked. "What?! How!!" Joker desperately asked. "Calm down Nii-chan..." Aeko tried calming her brother down. "They've got Y/n! Don't tell me you both aren't worried for her!" Joker groaned. "Nii-chan we're worried to, but if you keep on panicking Y/n isn't gonna pop here by herself!" Ryuna scolded.

><Time skip + Dr. Neo POV><

"Give up already, they're not saving me" The H/c girl kept repeating the same words. "My my little girl, you have a big mouth" i snapped. "At least i have respect, and i have hair" She spat. "As soon as your boyfriend comes, i'll kill him, and i'll kill the Phoenix too!" I laughed.

"I don't think so Dr. Neo" A playing card dashed it's way to me. "I was expecting you... Joker" At the que, Joker fell down from the sky dramatically. "Where are your sisters?" Dr. Neo asked. "Not here" Joker spat. "Shame~ i wanted to chat with them a bit" Dr. Neo smirked.

"Shut up, what do you want from Y/n?" Joker took out his cards "Ah ah, sit down pretty boy, move and i'll kill the girl. Give me what i want and i'll set her free" Dr. Neo smiled. "I attached a shock collar on her, if you trick me and escape with her, i can shock her until she dies" Dr. Neo pointed at the collar on Y/n's neck.

"Darn it" Joker mumbled. "Give me back Y/n, i'll do anything you want" Joker barked. "Alright" Dr. Neo pushed me to Joker. "What do you want now?" Joker asked. "Do me a favour and die" He shot both Y/n and Joker... They're dead.

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