✨ T H R O N E S

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Ryuna: Before we yeet to this chapter, i will be introducing two people.

Ryuna: The first one is Shirogane Harley, call her Topaz or Shuro... And Coney Ariale, you can call her Coney. On to the random scenario!
At the Sky Joker...


Y/n: What just happened?!

Topaz: I heard a crash...

Twilight: What's going on??

Suisei: I heard something...

Aeko: How did i not notice the crazy amount of girls who live in the Sky Joker?

Ryuna: No idea Ane-chan... But all i know is that Nii-chan's not in good condition.

Y/n, panicked: He really isn't!

Ryuna & Aeko: *Dashing through his room*

Aeko: Seriously?! Another failed invention!

Ryuna: You got us worried Nii-chan...

Joker: Oops? And since when are there millions of girls in the Sky Jo- oh hey Shiro.

Topaz: Hey! Another failed one?

Y/n: This is seemingly awkward...

Ryuna: Agreed...

Spade: Joker! I need to take something!!

Hachi: This is getting more crowded by moment...

Aeko: I suggest we play a game!

Akai: Game?! Oh it's on!

Ryuna: Accepted.

Exclipse: Let's do this~

Aeko: The game is called 'Thrones owner' You have to complete challenges in order to own the throne. Once you sit on the throne, the one sitting on the throne gets to order everyone around!

Ryuna: Sounds pretty! But we'll do that once everyone is here. Because time out is a thing... So Adieu! Beware of Illusions and Masked Faces~!

[✔] KJ Express! Leaves At The Shining Night!Where stories live. Discover now