💭 Stuffed doll

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[Some of you don't know why am i doing these Aki x Silver oneshots... I SHIP THEM!]

{Aki POV}

Me and Silver decided it was a great day to go to the mall, Shadow won't stop us since Y/n, Spade and Exclipse will be distracting them. "Is there anything you want Aki?" Silver asked. "I'm all good Silver" I shook my head.

Just after i said that i caught my attention on a claw machine... It had a Agent Silver Stuffed doll in it. "Silver..." I asked in awe. "Hmm?" He asked. "Can i have that?" I pointed on the stuffed doll.

"But why have a doll Silver when you can have real Silver?" He asked snaking his hands on my waist. "E-eh?" I stuttered a bit. "So do you wan't doll Silver or real Silver?" Silver asked again. "R-real Silver" I muttered. "Hah! Take that stuffed doll!" Ah... Silver was jealous now wasn't he....

{Y/n POV}

The plan was for me and Rose to watch over Aki and Silver while Spade and Exclipse watch over Silver.... "You getting this Rose?" I pointed at the couple. "Mhm, wonder when Lupin will do that to me..." Rose said pulling out her shades wearing them. "I'll wish you luck" I said.

"Oh wait, their coming here hide!" She pulled me to the nearest female restroom. "Aight... We should be safe for now..." I breathed out. "How is Exclipse and Spade doing... I wonder..." I mumbled. "I'm sure they're just fine" Rose said.

With Exclipse & Spade

"Sorry Shadow, no" Exclipse said holding Shadow back. "Shut up short witch!" He growled. "I am NOT short!" She spat. "Yes you are!" "Your shorter then that gay peacock!" "HE'S OLDER THEN ME! OF COURSE HE'S TALLER THEN ME!" "HEY! I'M NOT GAY!" Spade grumbled joining in the fight.

"LET ME GO! I WILL BLOODY RAIN YOU!!" Shadow yanked his umbrella. "Expelliarmus!" Exclipse shouted, Shadow's bloody rain then flew to Exclipse's hand. "I'll take this" She said putting it on the floor.

{Aki POV}

"This was nice" I mildly smiled to myself, walking home from the mall. "It still is" Silver reminded, i just nodded. "I think we're being followed" Silver mumbled. "Don't think so" I looked in every direction. "Hm, just my imagination" He shrugged.

Boy were we wrong...

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