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Joker: Ryuna, you mind telling me why you are always locking yourself in your room

Ryuna: I got Harry Potter marathons?

Y/n: You like Harry Potter?!

Ryuna: Well yeah, Rylan and Exclipse were based on Harry Potter...

Joker: The main bad guy was Voldemort wasn't it?

Ryuna: Trust me... There is a way bigger bitch in that story...

Aeko: Who?

Suisei: Uhh... I thought Voldemort was the evil one.

Y/n: Who could it be...

Ryuna: Dog Otter Umb!t¢h of course (Dolores Umbridge)

Twilight: That's a side character...

Ryuna: And the biggest b!t¢h i have ever seen, she almost have the same hatred ranking as Professor Clover in my mind!

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