💭 Stars

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[Joker x Y/n]

{Y/n POV}

The soft breeze hitting my face feels just amazing, the feeling of the grass below me makes me feel calm, the tree i'm under makes me feel happy. Watching the stars with my best friends makes me feel like i'm home.

I was camping with my best friends and my boyfriend. Joker, Twilight, Nene, Ryuna. "It's beautiful isn't it?" Ryuna sighed dreamily. "It is" Nene hugged her little sister. "Can someone pass me the blanket?" I asked. "Sure, anything for our future sister in law" Ryuna smiled.

I blushed at the thought of getting married-- what am i thinking? The stars were dancing... It was really beautiful.

We then begun to sing:"You know i wan't you" Ryuna sighed

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We then begun to sing:
"You know i wan't you" Ryuna sighed. "It's not a secret i tried to hide" She softly smiled.

"I know you want me" Nene sang. "So don't keep saying our hands are tied" She closed her eyes.

"You claim it's not in the cards" Twilight pulled out some cards. "And faith is pulling you miles away, and out of reach from me" Twilight drew patterns with the stars.

"But you're right here in my heart, so who could stop me if i decide.. That you're my destiny?" Joker looked at me. I softly blushed. "What if we rewrite the stars? Say you were meant to be mine?" Joker asked.

"Nothing could keep us apart. And you'd be the one i was meant to find..." Joker offered me a hand to dance. "It's up to you, and it's up to me... No one can say what we get to be, what if we rewrite the stars? Maybe the world could be ours... Tonight" Joker danced with me.

I loved him but... "You think it's easy" I sang along. "You think i don't wanna run to you" I frowned. "But there are mountains~ and there are doors that we can't run through" I added.

"I know you're wondering 'Why?' because we're able just you and me, within these walls... But when we go outside, you're gonna wake up and see that it was hopeless after all..." Y/n sighed.

"No one can rewrite the stars. How can you say you'll be mine?" She whispered. "Everything keeps us apart... And i'm not the one you were meant to find" Y/n teared up. The melody ended. Joker pressed his lips to Y/n's, "Don't watch sis" Nene covered her little sisters eyes. "Ane-chan!" Ryuna whined in protest.

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