💭 Joker VS...

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[Kaitou Joker VS Kaitou Kid]

"Another phantom thief?" Joker said dumbfounded. "By the name Kaitou Kid, he isn't exactly a kid Nii-chan" Ryuna shrugged. "More of a teenager, just like you" Nene smiled.

"I've watched the anime before, he's as slick as you" Ryuna clamped her mouth with her hands. 'I forgot the 'No fourth wall breaking' rule...' She cleared her throat, "I meant i've seen him on action" Ryuna corrected. "Is he like me?" Joker asked. "I'm pretty sure you're better than him" Nene shrugged.

"... I honestly don't know, he could be one of us right now" Ryuna inhaled sharply. "One of us isn't who we think we are" Joker breathed out. Joker brung out his cards, and Ryuna pointed her wand at Nene's throat. "Where did you put Ane-chan at kid?" Ryuna asked. "Good eye for a little lady~" He said opening his disguise.

"Funny, but answer her question" Joker barked. "Relax, she's alright. I put her in your house, there's nothing to--" Kaitou Kid cut off his words. "Ehem" Ryuna cut her off. "Shame i needed to cut you off but..." Ryuna smiled devilishly. "Your messing with the Jones family, and we don't take kidnapping our sister as a joke" Joker snapped.

"Overprotective much?" Kid said smirking. "Look, i have no time to loose, i miss Tantei-san" Kid whined. "Tantei-san? You mean Conan?" Ryuna put down her wand. "You know him? Can you find him???" Kid asked desperate for an answer. "First of all, bring Ane-chan back. Second, you'll have to fight Nii-chan first cause he won't let you go..." Ryuna mumbled.

"Alright, i'll bring that girl here" Kid snapped his fingers, and there was Nene happily smiling. "Ane-chan!" Ryuna beamed. "Alright, now to get serious" Joker pulled out his cards. Kid smiled mischievously, bringing out his weapon.

The two fought until the both of them had several scars. "Stop!!!" Nene and Ryuna shouted. The two looked at the girls. "Nii-chan, let's get you cleaned up..." Nene said pointing at the Sky Joker. "And Kid, i'll bring you back home" Ryuna shrugged. "How?" Kid asked. "I travel dimensions" She smiled softly.

<>Time skip<>

"Nii-chan, are you feeling any better?" Ryuna asked after helping Kid return home. "I guess i am... Ow!" Joker hissed once Nene put a bandage on his arm. "Baka, who knows if these scars could get worse or not?!" Nene scolded. "I should have stopped them before" Ryuna face palmed herself.

[That's it, Adieu]

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