💭 My french Kaitou

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[Rose x Lupin

Request by Aki_Suzume
Oh, and KaitouRedFox , your request is next]

{Rose POV}

"Onee-chan!" I called out. Aki turned around, "Hi Rose" She greeted back welcoming me into her arms. "Wanna come with me?" She offered. "Sure! Onii-chan won't pay attention to me anyway" I pouted. She just laughed and motioned me to follow her.

We arrived at Onee-chan's boyfriends house, "Hi Silver" Aki kissed Agent Silver's cheek. "Hello, come in" He gestured me and Onee-chan, "Are the others here as well?" She asked. "They are" He answered. Once we got inside, many people were already there.

I looked around the room, blushing as i payed attention to a certain french kaitou. "Rose! So glad you came!" Y/n squealed hugging me. "H-hi Y/n" I breathed out. "Y/n, let her go" Twilight laughed. "Oh hello Rose, it's great to see you here" Exclipse gave me some apple pie. "Don't tell anyone, i made those for you" She whispered.

{Lupin POV}

"Stop flirting in front of me" I said annoyed to Silver and Aki. "Your fault your single" Silver smirked while i rolled my eyes. "Oi Lupin" Y/n whacked me from behind. I hummed and turned around. She rolled her eyes and nudged me to Aki and Shadow's sister's direction.

"Get your girl" She said grinning. Pretty much only L/n knows i got a crush on Rose. "I hate you" I groaned as she pushed me forward to Rose's direction. "Oh, you're here... I'll leave you two alone, Adieu!" Exclipse quickly grabbed Y/n's arm and dashed to god knows where.

"Hello Lupin" Rose greeted me with that innocent smile of her's, "Hey Rose" i replied trying to act cool. "How are you?" She asked looking down. "I'm fine, and you?" I asked back. "I'm fine how about you?... Oh wait" She said blushing red. I laughed at this.

"You look cute when you blush" I grinned, satisfied that my flirt worked. "Oh shut it" She said hitting my arm. "What was that for" I asked dramatically. I only then realised everyone was gone... It was only her and me... It's now or never.

I notice her looking around, "Eh? Where's everyone?" She asked. I tapped her shoulder, once she turned to me i captured her lips on mine.

{Rose POV}

Fireworks, Cupcakes, Rainbows, Sparkles you name it! erupted in my stomach, "I knew it" An oddly familiar voice said. We parted and looked at the direction of the voice. There was Y/n, sipping on tea. Raising a brow. "All of us have been wondering when you two will admit you like each other" She dramatically said.

~Meanwhile in the background~

[Shadow]: *Whacks the author* WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ROSE!!!! BLOODY RAIN!

[Ryuna]: *Dodges and actually enjoying being whacked* Hmm...


[Ryuna]: I enjoy doing request's, that's all... Leave me in peace

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