💭 A heist

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[Aight, so she requested an Exclipse x Spade story, but you all are familiar with them being cousins

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[Aight, so she requested an Exclipse x Spade story, but you all are familiar with them being cousins... But just this once i might consider it... This is an AU where Y/n, Spade, and Exclipse aren't cousins!]

{Exclipse POV}

I lied on my bed thinking did my parents make a mistake when making me... And some other random thoughts.... I then sat up from the bed checking the time, "19:23, better get ready" I mumbled to myself, i worked as a phantom thief-- yes, a phantom thief. I was pretty well known as Exclipse, people tend to mistake me as Eclipse, can't blame them though.

I wore my black and green phantom outfit. And my black converse, i personally hate heels, how do people survive a minute wearing those? They say 'Beauty is pain' but you could easily be beautiful by not forcing to act like plastic.

 And my black converse, i personally hate heels, how do people survive a minute wearing those? They say 'Beauty is pain' but you could easily be beautiful by not forcing to act like plastic

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[It took me 25 minutes scrolling through pinterest finding something i like, though i sorta wished the sleeve would be longer]

"Advance notice check, mask... Where is my mask? Ah... There it is..." And no, i'm talking about my phantom thief mask... Not a face mask...

 Not a face mask

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"Right, hmm... I waisted 5 minutes getting ready, let's get going" I grinned. I walked inside my fireplace, grabbing some floo powder. Muttering 'Mr. Kaneari's museum' And throwing the floo powder. Resulting me to get teleported to Mr. Kaneari's museum.

I heard that the Phantom thief Joker and Phantom thief Spade was after the same treasure i came here for. Deciding it wasn't a good idea to run around in my phantom thief form, i disguised myself as a random stranger.

Bringing myself on top of the museum looking at the scenery, i still had a few minutes before showtime. "Hello? Who are you?" A voice asked. I turned my head immediately jumping seeing who it was.

"If it isn't the phantom thief Joker" I joked, "And the phantom thief Spade" I added. A second later their 'Image gum' popped, "How'd you know it was us?" Joker asked. "And you didn't answer my question... Who are you?" Spade asked again.

"I know certain things, and who i am isn't important right now. You'll find out shortly anyways... Until Next Time, Adieu!" I let myself fall from the building. Ignoring the shouts from them. And no, i wasn't gonna kill myself. I drew my spear and yelled, "Dasi Delyeowa!" and i was thrown back up behind Joker and Spade.

"Boo" I whispered. They jumped throwing and shooting cards and ice at me. In which i dodged. "Jisange!" I drew my spear out again. They were now stuck on the ground. "You attack, i attack back" I said simply. "Alright, but let us go" Joker struggled, "Yeogjeon" I mumbled.

"Well, since there's no point hiding it, i'm Phantom Thief Exclipse" I introduced myself, opening my disguise. "Eclipse?!" Joker gasped surprised. "Exclipse Joker..." I groaned. "I see your after my treasure" Spade exclaimed. "It won't be yours since i'll get it first" I spat back.

"Let's make it a fair challenge then! Whoever gets the treasure first wins! And the two losers has to do whatever the winners says!" Joker challenged, "You think i'd back down? Nope" I said popping the 'P'

><Time skip after the heist><

"Hah! I win!" Joker bragged showing the treasure. "Yeah, great job Joker... Hooray!" I said a bit dissapointed. "Now, i wan't you both to do something" Joker grinned. 'Uh oh, i don't trust that' i was ready to draw my spear.

"You both have to get along! Not fighting every second!" Joker glared at us. (Spade and me). It was true, through the heist, Joker won because me and Spade wouldn't stop fighting. "Okay fine" I mumbled giving up.

~Time skip + Author POV~

Since the day of the heist, Spade and Exclipse have been really close lately, citizen's think they are dating, but they try to deny it, knowing well their crush on each other.

"Exclipse, truth or dare?" Aki asked. "Dare" She breathed out. "Dare huh?" Aki looked at Twilight. "Kiss Spade" Twilight grinned like a child. Exclipse's eyes widened looking at Spade who was crimson red. Joker then pushed Spade so that Spade would kiss Exclipse.

"Finally!" The whole room laughed as Exclipse kissed back. Dark eye accepted the fact that Spade and Exclipse are dating, Joker, Y/n, and Queen have never been so happy. Let's say they have a future just as wonderful as fairytale's says...

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