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[No spoilers for this one~]

{Ryuna POV}

"It's gonna hurt it'll stink... Spittin' your blood in the sink, i'm crazy but you--" "AHHHH!!!" A scream made me choke on my tea. "For Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore's sake... How many times have i choked on my tea this week?" I sighed stirring my tea, walking to the middle of the twin thunder shark.

"AUTHOR!! AUTHOR WHY ARE THEY IN HERE!" Rylan, Exclipse Screamed. "Y/N GET DOWN!" Spade and Joker pulled Y/n behind me. "How did you get here?!" Scorpio hissed. "Are you planing to explode this ship?!" Charm accused.

"No! Me and Sassy came to pay a visit" Mr. Kaneari said with a sinister look. "Repeat that" I said drawing my wand, but still holding my teacup. Mr. Kaneari held up his pink teddy bear. "Don't you dare, not this time, not here" Spade barked. "I will kill you if you dare" Exclipse hissed.

"Question: How did Commando Satsuko fit in here?" Y/n asked. "That's actually a good point..." Rylan mumbled. "Alright who are you" Scorpio swooshed in front of them. "Dump?! Spider Ace?!" The whole ship shouted. "That was" I cut myself sipping on my tea. "Unexpected" I finished.

"Ah, i've been caught" Dump said dramatically. "If you're here to visit Spade, Y/n, and Exclipse... Then excuse me but i have tea to make, Adieu" I said leaving them. 'Well that was something i never thought would happen'

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