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AYE! Another random Scenario!
Almost everyone i think...

Ryuna: Heh, i don't know what you mean.

Rylan: You know exactly what we mean...

Ryuna: Do not?

Rylan: Do too!

Ryuna: Do not.

Rylan: Do too

Ryuna: Do too

Rylan: Do not-- hey!

Twilight: Why are you two bickering anyways?

Charm: And wouldn't you like to know Twilight-san?

Exclipse: Their testing who's not a simp. Honestly both of them are simps. Author-san is a simp for 'S' and Ry Ry is a simp for Charm.

Charm: Tho i think Rylan is a bigger simp...

Scorpio: Both of them are Tsundere's anyways...

Exclipse: But one is a Yandere too.

Aeko: Which one?

Charm: You talk to her all the time actually.

Aeko: Her? So it's Ryuna?

Y/n: And who is 'S'?

Scorpio: Don't look at me. I have Paris already.

France: Funny, since when did you confess to my cousin?

Scorpio: Erk...

Y/n: Simp... I can't tell if Joker's a simp or not.

Shadow: Oh trust me he's one big idiot simp for you.

Ryuna: Oh shut up Rylan!

Rylan: You wish i would!

Rylan: And i ain't scared of you deleting me! You still need me for content!

Ryuna: Ughh, whatever!

Joker: This is completely random...

Ryuna: That's why it's called random scenarios...

Spade: What type of dimension are we even are in right now?

Ryuna: KJ Express dimension. Of course!

Agent Silver: What-

Ryuna: Shush! 輝く夜へようこそ!

Y/n: What does that mean....?

Ryuna: Kagayaki Yoru he youkozo

Aeko: Ohh! Welcome To The Shining Night!

Ryuna: That's right! Welcome To The Shining Night Everyone!

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