Chapter Twelve:

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Hale wasted no time coming towards me as he made his way through the kitchen. Devin shoved me back into the counter. I grunted at the impact. Devin was doing her best to block Hale from me, she was strong but he was twice her size and had the advantage of surprise.

My eyes darted around. Trying to find something. Anything.

The knife set. I grabbed the largest one and held it in my hand ready to strike. In Devin's small amount of training so far she had shown me where the best place was to strike. I located the spot on Hale. I just had to catch him at the right moment.

He wasn't even watching me; he was too focused on Devin.

He lifted her up and slammed her onto the floor. Her head smacking the tile. Her body went limp. When he picked her up to slam her again and finish the job was when I struck.

I took the large knife and pushed it as hard and as far as I could into his neck. Praying I would hit an artery or at least knock him down long enough to get to Devin.

Within an instant of the knife going in two large hands made their way around Hale's neck snapping it clean. He fell to the floor with a large thud.

I looked at the blood on my hands. The knife that was still in Hale's neck.

"Fuck! Fuck! Hadley how do you feel," West said frantically looking at me.

I couldn't stop staring at him as I felt it finally. The chain as it coursed through my whole body. Tethering me to my mortal flesh. One moment that silver chain glimmered through me and the next, it snapped.

My eyes glowed silver. My ears rang so loud that I covered them screaming in pain. I fell to my knees. West's hand was on my back. I looked at his face. His mouth was moving but the words were lost. Covered by the piercing sound.

Then the real pain came. As every bone in my body shattered and began to shift.


I woke up in my bed. My whole body was sore, every movement hurt as I tried to sit up. West was asleep in the corner on the chair. He wasn't hurt. That was a good sign. His eyes had dark circles under them. He looked peaceful and so much younger when he slept. You could almost forget what an ass he could be.

As though he could sense my gaze his eyes opened. "I'm not that much of an ass, give me some credit," He said now fully awake.

"You heard my thoughts?" I asked the blush rising on my cheeks.

West lightly chuckled "You'll learn real quick how to shut out the mind link but when you first are learning some things can slide through. How do you feel?" he asked.

"Like I jumped off of a very tall building and landed on glass. I don't remember anything. What happened?" I said.

"Well you activated the shift when you stabbed the knife into Hale. Good shot by the way I'm impressed," He said before I cut him off. "Devin. Where is she? Is she okay?" I asked frantically.

"She's fine she got a pretty bad concussion, she's still asleep but she's healing. Jillian and I have been rotating rooms on the both of you the last several hours,"

"I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't come downstairs. How did he get in the house?" I asked knotting my fingers. Even though I was sore I felt so much different. Stronger. "Did I hurt anyone else?" I asked slowly.

"I have no clue how he snuck in without being detected and no. You shifted and darted into the woods. Thankfully you had enough sense to stay on pack territory. I was able to keep up with you. You did kill a squirrel but for your first shift it was a pretty tame event. We ran for hours," West said looking at me intently.

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