Chapter Fifty Six:

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Hadley's POV

"All of it?" Tate asked.

"Yes all of it," Morgan's voice was flat and serious. "It's a siphon, it works both ways".

Scott came into the room. He nodded at Tate before taking a seat next to Devin giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. His auburn hair looked disheveled and he was coated in dirt. Probably from training. Scott had been working extra close with the pack warriors lately. Building up any defense we possibly could. From his and Devin's facial expressions I could tell she was filling him in through their mind link. Scott's face was a mix of surprise and unsureness. I was getting good at reading his oh so subtle facial expressions.

"We're only going to get one shot at this. If Jade realizes what were doing she'll kill us before we even get close," Tate said, crossing his arms.

"I still don't get how it works," I said watching Morgan.

"It doesn't even have to be a fatal cut. You could literally just prick her with it. As long as the person wielding it sets that intention in their mind before striking the blade will obey," Morgan said. She finally dropped West's hand. Sitting up a little straighter.

"When will we even have a chance to do this. Everytime Jade has been one step ahead and snuck up on us. How do we outsmart her to even put ourselves in a position to cut her with it?" I asked. My mind flashed back to Darren. Darren had been so smart. So cautious. He was a good alpha and Jade still had gotten the upper hand on him.

Tate sensing my brain going down the dark path moved next to me, draping his arm over my shoulders. It was enough to keep me from fully spiraling. But the images still played through in my head. I couldn't escape Darren's vacant stare.

Morgan's eyes lit with that wicked dancing flame. A small smile curled on her lips.

"What? What do you know?" West asked Morgan, catching that same mischievous look.

"The witch I got this information from informed me that Jade intends to host a ball".

"A ball?" Tate asked.

"She plans to announce herself to the other packs and witches as the new leader of Fenris Moon. All the other pack leaders and witches will be invited," Morgan said.

"Tate it's too risky," I said. I could see his brain was already scheming up a plan. "We already know that Jade intends to off the other alpha's. Why else would she gather them".

"Hadley what choice do we have? This could be our only shot at taking down Jade," Tate said. I didn't want to disappoint him. I didn't want to be a coward. But every time I looked at him I could see the possibility of what could happen to him. What happened to Darren. I would not allow that.

"You can't go," I said. My tone left no room for debate.

"Hadley-" Tate started.

"No. Tate no. You can't go. It is too risky. The pack needs an Alpha if something goes wrong and we're all there, who will take care of them? Who will protect them?" I pleaded.

"She has a point Tate," West said quietly.

"You can't just ask me to sit aside while my mate goes into the witches den. No offense Morgan," Tate said. Morgan raised her hand dismissing it. Trying to stay out of the way. "I am the Alpha of Atlas pack. What does that say about me?"

"Don't let your pride get in the way of this," I said.

"My pride? Hadley the last thing on my mind is my pride. You are my mate if you go I go. That's that," Tate said. I knew with his tone that this would be the end of the discussion for now. I hated how stubborn Tate could be sometimes.

Devin coughed trying to break the silence that had fallen.

"The ball is the best chance. Jade will feel in control since it's on her terms and her space. But it gives you the chance to prepare a plan," Morgan said. "Tate you-"

"Morgan stop, we get it," Devin snapped. Clearly we all felt the weight of the situation. It was affecting all of us. Jillian had been freakishly quiet. She looked deep in thought.

"Who's going to do it?" Devin asked. Her voice softened and she sighed.

"It's too obvious if it's Hadley or Tate. Jade will be expecting that," Jillian said.

"Let me do it," West volunteered.

"West no. I can do it. It should be me," I said, shaking my head.

"Hadley," Tate said gently, putting his hand on me. I could tell he hated this as much as I did. The thought of West putting himself in so much risk.

"West are you sure you want to do this?" Tate asked.

"I want to do this," West said. Tate nodded in agreement.

I watched as my friends discussed the plan more in detail. Morgan was going over with West the best way to control the siphon. Where and when during the ceremony Jade was most likely to be distracted or at her weakest. Morgan would also put a spell over the blade to mask it, leaving Jade unable to detect it.

I sat their quiet coming up with a plan on my own. This was my responsibility. If it hadn't been for me, for my blood none of them would be at risk. I couldn't handle the loss of anyone else. Jillian gave me a look with a small wink. I flinched. It was as though she could see right through me. See the plan I was divulging in my head.

We left the room a little while later. Tate kissed me on the head before heading off with Scott to help out with the pack warriors. Eventually it was only Jillian and I.

"Come with me Luna," She said, grabbing me by the hand and pulling me to her room.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

Jillian had led me to her room and was now going through her closet. It was filled to the brim with various clothes and fabrics.

"Finding you a dress for the ball," she said. Her eyes never left the closet as she expertly shifted through it. "Thankfully as a tracker I get invited to loads of these things. The other packs like to keep us trackers happy".

Jillian pulled out a few dresses for me to choose from. They were all floor length and stunning. Jillian held up each to me examining them with a critical eye. She eliminated the choices down to two.

"Which do you like more?" she asked. The one was a dusty rose pink. It looked very sweet and innocent. The old me would have gravitated towards it no question. Now though. I didn't think I could pretend to be so innocent anymore. I pointed towards the second option. It was a rich sapphire blue dress. It clung to the body and had a deep v that was supported by two slim straps. Jillian nodded in approval. She handed me the dress. As I grabbed it she tightened her grip looking at me with her piercing amber eyes.

"What are you planning?" she asked. Her voice was hushed.

"Nothing?" I choked out the words. Jillian was intimidating and I was caught off guard.

"Hadley. I know you well enough to see that you are up to something so please just tell me. Let me help you," She whispered.

"The others can't know".

"You are my Luna. I'm on your side," Jillian said. Her amber eyes softened.

I took a deep breath before I divulged my plan to Jillian. She stayed quiet most of the time. Nodding her head here and there as she processed it.

"So?" I asked.

She hesitated before looking at me again. She sighed and I could see that glimmer dance in her eyes.

"Leave it to me," she smiled wickedly.

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