Chapter Twenty Two:

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Hadley's POV

I had finally finished the endless list of errands and jobs that Devin had sent me on. She could truly be a tyrant when it came to party planning. Jillian and I had hauled so much wood my hands were practically raw.

I had about an hour to get ready before we were supposed to start the bonfire. All day my mind kept drifting to the boy's face. It seemed wrong to not even know his name. He was all alone here. I couldn't help but wonder if he had a family. What had caused the injury. Had he been afraid.

I pushed the thoughts deep down with the rest of it. This dark damaged part of me. I knew I could only fill it so full until the grief burst free. I had been good at this though, taking what was bothering me and pushing it away.

I freshened up and hung out on my bed with a book. I had mostly finished getting ready earlier so I had some time to kill. A moment away to myself where I could get lost in another world was a welcomed treat.

"Hey you all ready for your big night?" Jillian asked, coming into my room and climbing into bed with me.

"As ready as I'll ever be I guess," I said. Nolan would be here tonight. I should have been working on a plan not sitting here and reading.

"Nolan isn't stupid enough to try to pull anything tonight with the whole pack there, plus Darren and Braxton," she said. I watched her eyes light up softly at her mates name. Braxton seemed to calm Jillian. She was still every part a spit fire as before but Braxton brought out a different side of her.

"How is it being mated and all?" I asked her.

"It's so weird but also so great. Being a tracker I traveled all over to different packs. For a while I thought I wouldn't get a mate, most people find theirs so quick. I feel bad about West but he always knew what we meant to each other," she said.

"What did you mean to each other if you don't mind me prying?" I asked.

"West... Well West was one of my best friends growing up. I didn't have much of an actual family so I spent so much time with him and Devin. After I turned eighteen I thought I would for sure find my mate. Fast forward two years. I still hadn't. Neither had West. I guess I got tired of waiting and I trusted him. Plus it wasn't exactly his first time either. I think we both just needed someone to fill that space. Someone we could each trust. West knew with me that I wasn't after power and some title. It was just easy," she said. Playing with the gold rings on her fingers.

"Do you regret it. Not waiting?" I asked.

"No. I don't. Not at all. It was what I needed at the time," She said. Her amber eyes were practically burning me with their gaze.

"I'm not judging," I said, putting my hands up in defense. "I didn't exactly wait either," I said, giving her a smile.

The scorching in her eyes dimmed. "I guess but you weren't even a wolf yet and mortals are so much more.... Relaxed with that kind of thing," she said giving me a wicked smirk.

I playfully chucked the pillow at her head. "How dare you! Are you really going to sit here and call me a whore!".

"If it quacks like a duck!" Jillian said, chucking the pillow back at me, almost knocking me out of the bed.

Devin came in the room glaring at the both of us. Her hands were on her hips as she gave us her disapproving gaze. That only sent Jillian and I over the edge as we cracked up.

"Get the stick out of your ass Devin we're having fun!" Jillian shouted, throwing a pillow at Devin.

"The party is starting. Go have fun outside with the rest of them!" Devin was still scolding us but I could see the smile she was trying to hide.

"Alright. Alright. Let's go. Before Devin loses her mind entirely," Jillian said winking at me.

We made our way into the hallway. The three of us were still laughing with one another. Tate was standing waiting for us. He looked me over. I could see his warm brown eyes roaming my body with an approving gaze.

"Devin. Jillian. Mind if I borrow the guest of honor for a moment?" Tate asked them.

"Fine but do not keep her long people are waiting," Devin said then turning to me. "Come find me when you're done."

"Yes ma'am" I said as she left. I turned to Tate who pulled me into his arms placing a devastatingly slow kiss on my lips.

"Has anyone told you yet how good you look today?" He asked, his eyes darkening as they once again gazed over me.

"No but I like it when you tell me," I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him in for another kiss. "You should borrow me like this more often," I smiled at him.

His gaze went from playful to more serious. "Unfortunately I came to tell you that Nolan just crossed onto the border,".

"Oh. I see,". I didn't know what to expect out of tonight but it would be hard to enjoy any of it just knowing he was here.

"He's going to see the boy first and have some of his pack take him back. But he should be arriving at the bonfire shortly. Just be on your lookout. Try to act as normal as possible, have fun. We need him thinking you're some naive new wolf. Not the cunning, alpha level strong wolf you really are," He said giving me a wink. "I'm going to go find Braxton but I will meet you out there," he said, kissing me on the top of my head.

I made my way outside, through the woods to the bonfire. I spotted Devin's blond hair in the crowd and made my way towards her.

"Yay! You made it down. I'm glad Tate had the decency to not hold you up after the way he was looking at you." She said, pulling me into a hug and handing me a cup with a strong smelling clear liquid. I immediately drank it trying to hide my heat stained cheeks.

"How are you so relaxed all of a sudden?" I asked her. Mere minutes ago she was full on demanding. I was pretty sure she was already buzzed.

"My duties officially ended the moment this bonfire started. I may go crazy when planning the party but I fully intend on enjoying my work to the fullest," she said clanking her cup to mine.

Scott came up putting his arm around her and kissing her on the cheek. "Now if I could only get this one to loosen up a little," She said nodding at Scott.

"Someone has to stay watch," Scott said, shrugging.

"Come with me," Devin said, spinning out of Scotts arm and pulling me towards the front of the party. Devin stepped up on a large tree stump so she was elevated above the pack. "Hi everyone. Couple of things. The drinks are at the side table. Food is right next to it. Tonight we are celebrating a very special occasion. As you may already know we have welcomed the newest member of our pack Hadley Connall," Devin pointed at me next to her. All eyes were suddenly on me as people cheered. I picked out Tate in the crowd who was grinning up at me. "We are also celebrating our beloved tracker Jillian who has found her mate. Beta Braxton of Blood Bane Pack," the crowd continued to cheer. As Jillian returned the smiles. "With that let's have fun!" Devin shouted hopping off of the tree stump.

All of a sudden I was being swarmed with pack members. All asking me questions about me. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed but it was nice getting to finally meet everyone. I would definitely need name reminders for a while. I made my way through the crowd. When I bumped into a large man. His hair was jet black and came to his shoulders. His eyes were such a deep brown they almost matched his hair. His mouth was in an upturned smirk as he looked me over closely extending a hand. Everything in my body told me to run.

"It's nice to finally meet you Hadley. I'm Nolan. Alpha of Fenris Moon Pack," he said shaking my hand.

I forced myself to meet his gaze refusing to back down.

"Unfortunate the circumstances in which we need to meet," I said, giving him a firm grip.

"All things have their purpose. It brought me to you," he said with a sinister smirk. 

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