Chapter Fifty Nine:

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Hadley's POV

I made my way through the garden, my feet near silent as I navigated the maze. In and out without anyone noticing. Although I wouldn't have much time till one of them went looking for Cassia... or smelt the metallic blood. I quickly readjusted my dress trying to steady my shaking hands. I could do this. No one else would get hurt.

I could hear the command in her edged voice before even seeing her face. Her voice was so amplified it filled the whole house. Demanding attention. There was no denying she loved the attention and the power she held over the room.

My time captured by Nolan had allowed me an extensive knowledge of the layout of the house. It was easy to take a quick turn down the long hallway that led to a back staircase. A staircase that connected to another hallway, and another bedroom door. A maze to anyone who hadn't been here before. But I knew that the door it would take me to would put me directly behind Jade at the top of the balcony of the stairs. I would have mere seconds before someone noticed me.

I reached my hands up my dress to grab the blade. I willed my intentions into it. For Darren, for Tate, for the pack, and the people I had come to so dearly love I could do this. I was the Luna of Atlas Moon. I repeated those words over and over in my head. Until my hands were steady.

Too soon I was at the door. Somewhere below West was in position should I fail. Devin, not too far behind. I took a moment to listen to Jade.

"For far too long we have lived side by side. To long have witches been cast aside as the lesser species. Tonight that all changes. Fenris Moon will be the first hybrid pack in the northern continent. I invite you all to... merge into this revolution. A revolution that will bring a new era of undeniable power and strength. I promise to lead as all into a brighter tomorrow," Jade said. I could practically feel the glowing sinister smile that was edged with threat in her words.

"You expect us to merge with you?!" a voice asked that I did not recognize. From the tone though there was no denying he was an alpha.

"I have no expectations. It is your choice but a choice I would urge you to consider before acting," Jade's words were clipped. The room was silent. The Alpha, not daring to say another word.

Jade continued talking. It had to be now. She was angry. Maybe slightly distracted. Every moment I stood here waiting was a gamble at her sensing me. I breathed again.

I am the Luna of Atlas Pack.

I kicked down the door. The silver dagger in my hand. My arm was raised ready to plunge into Jade's back. I was mere feet away from her. The tip of the blade now nearly grazing her skin.

Jade whipped her body around to face me and with the swipe of her hand I was thrown backwards into the wall.

"Stupid girl have you not learned anything!" Jade screamed.

I gasped for air. My body begging me to sink into the floor.I Ignored the feeling and rose to my feet before charging at Jade.

One of Jade's rogues stood between me and the witch. He was strong but I was stronger. I grabbed his elbow, twisting it as hard as I could to make it touch his spine. He howled in pain as I used the force to shove him to the ground before snapping his neck. I stepped on his body as I moved towards Jade. Her smile curling on her lips, her stance ready.

I threw a punch the dagger clutched in my other hand. Jade grabbed my fist with her fast reflexes. Crushing the bones in my hands.

I screamed as the fiery pain spread through me. Jade smiled a small laugh leaving her lips.

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