Chapter Eighteen:

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Hadley's POV

I woke up to Devin barging through the door rambling on about something. The only things I was able to make out were a bonfire, party, and presenting to the pack. The rest was lost in translation as she paced around the room.

"Devin, slow down. It's too early," I said sitting up in bed chucking my pillow at her.

"We are already behind schedule! Tomorrow you'll be presented to the pack. It has to be perfect. It's your first presentation. You're going to be their luna. I won't settle for less than perfect!," Devin was raising her hands at the ceiling.

Jillian popped her head around the corner. "Did you say there's going to be a party tomorrow," giving Devin that wicked little smile. Her Black curly hair was tied up in a top knot and she was still in her pajamas.

"Yes! Now put some real clothes on and help me out!" Devin said, shouting at Jillian.

"Is she always such a tyrant when it comes to things like this," I asked Jillian, ignoring Devin's playful glare.

"You have no idea. I let her host my twenty first birthday," Jillian grinned at me.

"What's the party for?" Jillian asked Devin. She didn't know about Tate and I being mates and thankfully she must not have heard the part where Devin referred to me as the luna. I trusted her oddly, but the less people who knew the safer everyone would be.

"I'm being presented to the rest of the pack as an official member," I said getting out of bed and making my way to the mirror. I definitely would have to shower. My normally straight brown hair was in a tangled kinked mess.

"Does this mean you're not going to Blood Bane?!" Jillian asked excitedly.

"Nope I'm staying," I said with a smile.

"Hadley! This is great! The three of us are going to have so much fun," Jillian said pulling Devin and I into a bone crunching hug.

"Jillian, I need you to invite the pack warriors. I'll cover the people in town," Jillian gave a joking salute as she left the room. Devin pointed to me "and as for you get ready and go tell Darren you're staying,"

Devin left the room. Mumbling off the list of things she was all going to do before tomorrow's bonfire. I grabbed some clothes from the dresser. Dark wash skinny jeans, a white tank top, and my favorite an emerald green leather jacket. I laid the clothes out as I hopped in the shower.

I smiled remembering Tate last night. I had never slept better. Everything about him put me at ease. He made everything better. How I wanted to go find him right now and pull him in the shower with me. I blushed and pushed the thoughts out of my head. That claim sure was strong. Then there was West. I didn't know what I was going to do about him. It was definitely going to be awkward for a while. But he was my friend. I was determined to make that work. Maybe he'd find his mate soon. That would solve all the problems.

I got dressed, dried my hair, and put on a touch of makeup. The eyeliner made my green grey eyes brighter. I looked better than I had in awhile. I was starting to finally feel more like myself again.

I was so lost in thought I didn't realize as I bumped right into West, outside his room. I glanced in and there were clothes piled on the bed and a large duffle bag.

"Are you going somewhere?" I asked.

"Here come in," West said, pulling me into his room and closing the door. I was way too aware of the fact that we were all alone in his room right now.

"I'm going to Blood Bane for a while," he said, waiting for me to react.

"What why? Did you think I was going?" I asked.

"It's because you aren't going that I am," he snapped at me.

"So this is my fault?" I crossed my arms glaring at him. I hated when he had a short temper with me.

"It's not your fault. It's mine," his voice got calmer. "Look I'll be back before you realize I'm gone. Hopefully by then Tate will have marked you and we can just forget all about this," he said sitting on the bed.

"West," I said sitting next to him. "You mean a lot to me. You were there for me those few days when I first shifted. You've always been someone I can trust. Someone I can count on. Maybe being your mate would have been easier. Maybe If I had stayed mortal and met you before.... But I'm not mortal anymore. Tate is my mate. I can't deny that what I feel for him will always be stronger than what I could feel for you. I'm not saying this to hurt you, I just want to be honest with you. I need you in my life. You mean too much to me," I looked at West closely waiting for him to say something.

Before I could stop what he was doing he had grabbed the side of my face with one hand and my waist with the other pulling me to him. He kissed me heavy and fast. My mind was racing as I shoved him off of me.

"West what the hell!" I said standing up, taking a step back.

"You really feel nothing for me?" he asked.

It wasn't that the kiss was bad. Unexpected, but it didn't compare to the electricity of kissing Tate. Or how even just being near Tate made me feel.

"You can't do that again," I said.

"I'm leaving after the bonfire. So you won't have to worry," he said leading me to the door and slamming it in my face. I turned to the hallway to see Devin standing there frozen watching me. The shock and confusion all over her face. 

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