Chapter Twenty Eight:

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Hadley's POV

We occupied ourselves making sure to be noticed by Nolan's pack warriors enjoying the party, mingling with other pack leaders. Not being able to note how both West and Tate had managed to step away from the party at various times while I had been with Nolan. Gone for only a mere few minutes. Not enough to warrant a question.

Nolan would wake up on the floor of the gallery confused with a large headache. More importantly no memory of how he got there. Everything was falling into place perfectly. I didn't bother wiping the smug satisfied look from my face.

West and Tate led me around introducing me apparently word had gotten out that I was Darren's sister daughter of the former Alpha Warren. Everyone greeted me with caution. Not quite sure what to make of the newly shifted wolf.

"You didn't say goodbye," I said poking Darren in the back.

His face was in its usual stone demeanor, his eyes lightning a little as he saw me. He was dressed in a full black suit that looked like it was made from expensive material.

"There was an emergency," he said bluntly. There was no missing the disappointment on my face. "I'm sorry I should have at least called you afterwards. I am glad to see you though. Even given the circumstances," he gave me a small smile.

Despite that I was older than him just by a few years he acted much more mature than I did. His position had aged him greatly.

"I understand. Is everything ok?" I asked.

A full blown smile cracked from Darren's mouth as though he could not contain it in. I had to double check that this was indeed Darren who rarely shows emotion. Especially in a public place.

"You're freaking me out what happened?!" I asked.

"We got attacked by rogues," He said, still smiling trying to suppress it.

I looked at him, bewildered my face scrunching together. "Why are you smiling if you were attacked?" I asked.

"Because Hadley, I found my mate," He was practically glowing with pride.

"Really!? Darren that's amazing!,". The excitement worked its way off my face as my brain processed. "Your mate attacked the pack! She's a rogue!" I said shoving his arm.

Darren gently grabbed onto my shoulders "Yes she is a rogue. She was with the rogues who attacked us; she didn't do the actual attacking," he explained.

I was still confused. "That makes it better?".

"Hadley she's my mate what do you expect me to do," He said.

"I'm sorry Darren. I'm just surprised that's all," I tilted my head so I could see his face better "I am so happy for you. Tell me everything about her," I said hooking my arm through his leading us to a couch at the edge of the party.

"Her name's Blair-" Darren started but we were cut off by the older man approaching us. He had warm kind eyes. His hair and beard was speckled with grey. He had to be at least forty but he was in amazing shape. The aurora coming off of him immediately told me he was an alpha.

"Alpha James," Darren said nodding at him.

"Darren," he said, pulling Darren into a quick embrace.

"What's this I hear about you finally finding your mate? Maybe she can help you be a little less serious," James went on before looking at me. "You must be Hadley. I'm James, Alpha of Silverback Pack. Wow you look so much like your mom. Your dad as well, a little bit mostly in the eyes,".

"You knew my mom?" I was surprised.

"Warren was my best friend. I was with him when he met your mom. We both became alphas of our pack shortly after that," he said. I noticed the touch of sadness that crossed his eyes.

"James also helped me when I first took over as alpha," Darren added.

"It's not everyday an eighteen year old becomes alpha...but Darren's a natural his pack is lucky to have him. I was more moral support than anything," James said.

"He's playing it down. I would have lost my title if it weren't for him. James is like a second father to me," Darren said.

James smiled in admiration. "My beta and I are heading out but I would like to talk to you more in the future," he smiled turning towards me.

"Yes. I would love that," I said genuinely. My mom outright refused to talk about my dad. Even if he was gone I still wanted to know him.

James shook Darren's hand and gave me a hug he quickly whispered in my ear. "You're playing a dangerous game Hadley. Be careful of the moves you make. You impact more than just your pack. Try to keep some of that wildfire in," He pulled away smiling at me. "I'll reach out a time we can meet again,".

I placed a smile on my face and waved at him goodbye. Tate had made his way over to us. "I see you met Alpha James,".

My eyes noticed the door at the back of the room. Nolan entered the party again, his hand going through that ink black hair. His eyes scanned the party till they locked with mine. I gave him a sweet smile. He winked at me and went to talk to his pack warriors patrolling the party. Tate noticed my gaze following it to Nolan. West was back at my side, his arm draped around me. He's still looking. West mind linked with Tate and I. Think he's buying it that you're with West. Tate linked.

West spun me around admiring my dress. I tipped my head back giggling. He pulled me in and placed a kiss on my cheek. "Let's go dance," he pulled me to the floor as he linked with us. Now he does. Sure enough Nolan was shooting daggers with his stare at West.

I'm sorry if this is weird for you. Pretending to be with me. I said to West through our minds.

It's what needs to be done I'm fine. He gave my waist a gentle squeeze to reassure me.

I should be the one apologizing to you. I've been a huge dick lately. He said as he guided me on the dance floor the song was slow. Easy to follow the rhythm of.

All is forgiven. I sent through the link giving him a slight smile, my grin turning more mischievous. Plus seeing you in this dress helped immensely.

West dipped me leaning his face in growling at me. We were both laughing. I was grateful to have my friend back. West and I always had fun together. I hoped he would find his mate soon though. He deserved to be happy.

"Mind if I have the next dance?" Nolan said reaching his hand out towards me. 

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