Chapter Thirty Six:

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Hadley's POV

We had left the cabin and made our way back to Fenris Moon territory. Nolan hadn't bothered with a shield in my new room in the pack house. Only a week ago I had been here. Had been taken. It had been a week since I had seen my mate. I missed feeling Tate's warm strong body next to me in bed. Nolan thankfully hadn't tried to stay with me overnight just yet.

I was playing my role perfectly. A broken doll ready to be guided. I plastered that pretty innocent smile on my face. I nodded and did what Nolan asked. He was so engulfed by me that he hadn't noticed what lurked beneath that pretty little smile.

It had taken me days painstakingly chipping away at the smoke. Taking back over the control of my body. The first moment Nolan had left me truly alone in my room I shoved my full self through the hole I had chipped away. I was back. Fully in control of my body yet again. Patiently waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Nolan saw what he wanted to see. An obedient woman who adored him. Who listened, never speaking back. Who wore pretty dresses and showed eager enthusiasm at whatever vile spilled from his throat.

I had sat on his lap as he called Darren and then Tate. His knuckle stroking my thigh. Always trying to remind me that I was his. I had heard Tate's voice so cold from the warmth I normally felt from his words. It took everything in me to not let that pain show on my face. Soon. I would only have to play this game for a little longer. Then I would make Nolan pay for every touch he took.

I remained in his lap after he ended the phone call. He played with my hair taking the falling curled strand and tucking it behind my ear. He told me he liked it curled more than my naturally straight hair. Being the obedient doll I had curled it everyday since. His thumb grazed my blood red pout. The lipstick left a small stain on his finger.

"Are you excited for the ceremony my little wolf," Nolan said, his teeth grazing my neck in a silent threat and tease.

"Yes Nolan," I said biting his thumb that was on my lips softly. A tease.

"Remind me to thank that witch. This new you has exceeded my expectations" Nolan said his eyes darkening. I moved my fingers to his dark hair letting them lazily play.

"What is a luna ceremony?" I asked casually. Acting fully distracted by his ink black hair.

"You'll be fully introduced as my mate and luna to the pack. A priestess of sorts will do the ceremony for us. Our blood will be exchanged and the sacred words will be spoken," Nolan explained grabbing my chin forcing my eyes to meet his. "I also will place the claim on you in front of the rest of the pack," his other fingers traced the spot on my neck where he would lay that claim.

"If that beta was smart he would have claimed you before letting another wolf have the chance. Reckless, naive wolf," Nolan let a low growl rumble through him.

"If he had claimed me?" I asked boredly as though I didn't really care about the answer.

"If he had claimed you I would have had to have killed him the night of the party," A wicked grin crossed his lips at the thought. "You're only able to have one claim at a time. I fully intend for you to be mine Hadley. I may still kill him just to remove any temptation he has of taking you back. I don't like to share what's mine".

The bile rose in my throat but I forced myself to really look into those dark eyes and give another one of those effortless pretty smiles that made its way all the way to my eyes.

A small petite woman with wine red hair made her way into the room. Her eyes refused to meet Nolan's as she kept her head down. Her body half hidden still behind the door.

"What is it?" Nolan spat.

"The priestess is here to go over the final details with you about the ceremony". The girl's voice was hardly a whisper as I strained to hear her.

Nolan picked me up, removing me from his lap as he left the room. He towered over the petite young woman. "I want you to keep Hadley company as I tend to this. Don't do anything stupid," Nolan said leaving us without a final acknowledgement.

She stayed there watching me for a moment in the doorway. Her eyes were a warm brown. So similar to Tate's. She gave me a small sad smile.

"We can go to the reading room if you'd like. It's quiet and no one from the pack will bother you there" she said.

I nodded my head and let her lead me through the mansion to the small library. The room was lined with books of all genres. Tufted seats filled the room. If it hadn't been Nolan's I would have considered the room to be beautiful. The window overlooked the grounds. The mountains peaking in the horizon.

I grabbed a book that looked half interesting and took a seat. The girl just sat across from me watching me. It put me on edge. I closed the book and let my eyes meet hers.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Cassia" she said quietly. I looked over the girl more closely. I didn't trust her. But she seemed afraid. At least of Nolan.

"What is your role in the pack?" I asked casually.

Cassia started playing with her hands nervously. Stalling before those warm brown eyes met mine again. "I was a rogue. Nolan took me in".


"I was only seven. Nolan figured I could become part of the pack. I owe him a life debt. So I work in the house," she said quietly.

"Ok," I said, opening back up the book.

Cassia watched me. She looked as though she wanted to say something. She glanced around the room and made her way next to me on the couch. Gently closing the book in my hands. "I heard you have mate," she whispered.

"Nolan is my mate," I forced myself to say.

"He said the beta was your mate," she quietly challenged. "You don't have to tell me anything. I don't expect you to trust me or tell me anything... but if you do get out of this. If your mate does come get you I want out... please," I scanned her eyes looking for a shred of doubt. It seemed genuine enough. Although I wouldn't put it past Nolan to put her up to it.

"You would betray your alpha?" I asked carefully.

"I'm a rogue. I have no alpha," She said with more confidence than I had yet to witness.

A cat-like grin played its way onto my lips. It was one of the first expressions I had not fake in days.

"I don't need to be rescued by anyone," I said to Cassia with a knowing glance.

"No. No you don't. I think you'll manage that just fine on your own," she whispered. It was in that moment I caught a glimmer of that free spirited rogue that laid behind her soft eyes. Cassia had been patient. Waiting for the perfect moment, and that moment was near.

I let that smirk lay on my lips again before going back to my book.

Nolan returned a few hours later summoning me to dinner with a pleased grin on his face at the sight of Cassia and I quietly reading. Little did he know I had been plotting my revenge on the couch. Perfecting each detail of his destruction.

A twisted part of me that I didn't fully understand felt eager knowing the pain I would cause him. I would be the monster he didn't expect. I cut my knife into my dinner visualizing it as Nolan. How I would tear him down.

"How was the library?" he asked.

"Enlightening," I said with a soft smile. Each smile I gave lured him further down. Made him more comfortable. Relaxed. I decided to push it one step more.

"I'm excited to choose a dress for the ceremony".

"We can have some brought for you tomorrow," He said with that wicked smirk. "Hadley I have great plans for us. This is only just the beginning. Soon our pack will be the strongest in the continent. No one shall question our power. Together we can return to an era of wolves that follows the old traditions".

"To a new era," I raised my wine glass, letting that smile stay on my face.

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