Chapter Fifteen:

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Hadley's POV

My eyes were still frozen on Tate as I took him in. My mate. Tate was my mate. My wolf was dying to be set free, and pushing me towards him. I had completely forgotten about Devin and Scott. Or the fact that West was right behind me.

Tate made his way towards me. He reached out as though he was going to touch me. He pulled back finally taking his eyes off of me and looking at the others.

"I need to talk to Hadley. Go keep Darren and Braxton occupied please," Tate said to the others.

Scott who barely showed emotion had a small amount of surprise on his face as he glanced between the two of us. Devin winked at me with a small smile curling at her lips as Scott dragged her with him. West moved in front of me giving me a small sad smile as they all headed inside.

Tate started walking back into the woods. I followed him till he stopped. "Tate.. I.."

Tate grabbed me and pushed my back into the large tree. His hands gripped my face as our mouths met. His kiss was frantic. The electric spark that traveled between us sent ripples through my whole body. His mouth was like a drug to me. It was unlike anything I had ever felt before.

We finally pulled apart. A large smile was on his face. "I have been wanting to do that for so long,".

His smile made him even more handsome and put a smile on my face. His brown eyes glimmered. I couldn't help the immediate draw I felt towards him. How could I have not felt this before. Tate had always been extremely attractive but this was a whole other level. I stepped back away from Tate.

"Did you know?" I asked. Tate was quiet. "How long have you known?" I searched his face. A small part of me already knew what his answer would be..

"Since I saw you that first day in the woods when you were running," He said, avoiding my eyes. Running a hand through his perfect wavy brown hair. I forced myself to focus.

"You've known for months. Months, and you didn't think to say anything to me?" I was hurt by his actions.

"I wanted to tell you right away but there were so many factors. You were with someone else. You were mortal. You had a normal happy life. I couldn't take that from you. Then when I do finally get you you're being attacked by rogues. I wanted to tell you Hadley. Every moment I was with you. It has been physically painful to be near you and not with you," Tate said, taking a step towards me and placing a soft kiss on my lips.

"Even when you were with him I couldn't stay away. I had to meet you at least once," He continued.

"When you bumped into me on my way to the store," I said, remembering that day.

"Yes," He said holding my face. We stood there for a moment in silence. "Tell me what you're thinking," he asked.

"I don't know what to think. I'm so mad that you knew and didn't think I deserved to know. It wasn't your place to make a choice for me. You should have told me. You don't get to just make these kinds of decisions when it affects us both this way. What if I never knew," My voice became small and sad.

"Had. I am so sorry. You're right. I should have told you. You had a right to know it's as much of your choice as mine. I would have made my way to you somehow," He said softly.

"Who else knows?" I asked.

"Just West. Some other pack members may have some ideas but just West," Tate said.

"West knew?" I rubbed at my temples. He had known this whole time.

"I want to tell you everything. Explain it all but we don't have that much time right now," Tate said.

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