Chapter Forty Four:

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Hadley's POV

We all met in the sitting room while waiting for Nolan to finally wake up. To go over our plan. We still weren't entirely sure what to do with Nolan after we interrogated him.

Jillian came in looking more like her normal self. Her dark curly hair cascaded around her face. Her eyes were a glowing amber. "Braxton just called me. He says they're trackers have been watching over Fenris Moon and they're pack has been coming up with plans to negotiate Nolan being returned".

"I'm surprised they haven't attacked yet or tried to come get him themselves," I said.

"Braxton says they are super freaked out by what you did to them the day of the ceremony. They're being cautious," Jilian gave me a wicked smile of approval. She liked that they were afraid of us. Afraid of what we were truly capable of as a pack.

"They'll only be cautious for so long before some of them take the risk. We're ready for that, and can handle it but still if we can avoid a fight with them. I'd rather figure out our plans with Nolan first," Tate thought out loud.

"Let's just hope Nolan values self preservation more than his loyalty to Jade," West said. Morgan nodded her head in agreement. I had caught her a few times watching West since yesterday.

"Even if he does talk, how can we trust him?" I asked.

"I can help with that," Morgan said, taking her eyes off of West and meeting mine. "I can make sure we know if he's telling the truth or not".

"Perfect. So we interrogate him then what?" Devin asked.

"We come back here and decide as a group. This will affect our whole pack. I want us to make the decision together. Honestly I don't trust myself to make a rational decision alone on this. Not after what he did to Hadley," Tate's eyes grew dark for a moment.

"We decide together then," I said, reaching over giving Tate's hand a squeeze.

"Do you think he's ready?" West asked.

"Better be," I said.

We made our way back to the cell where Nolan was being kept. He looked horrible but his face had changed just ever so slightly. He looked lighter, more calm almost now with the bind being lifted. His eyes met ours as we stood outside the cell. He was laying on the cot.

"Get up," Tate ordered.

"I'm sleeping," Nolan hissed. Tate grabbed the bucket for bathing, opening the cell door and dumping it on Nolan's head. Devin caught the laugh before it fully made its way out of her mouth. I had to bite my lip to not smile and keep my cold calm demeanor.

Nolan growled standing up trying to attack Tate. With the chains and the effects of the bind he was too sluggish still. Tate made his way back out of the cell winking at us. His body turned away from Nolan.

"Awake now?" Tate purred.

"Asshole," Nolan mumbled under his breath. He was soaked. Dripping as he stood in front of us.

Morgan nodded to us moving forward slightly signalling that she was now connected to Nolan and would be able to tell if he was lying. Nolan's eyes sparked with intrigue as he clicked his tongue at Morgan. He fully knew what she was doing.

"I'm surprised Nolan. Surprised that as an Alpha you would allow a witch to bind herself to you," Tate said walking in front of the cell. The color drained for just a moment on Nolan's face before returning to its wicked gleam. An act.

"I didn't exactly agree to that. Go ahead check with your little witch it's the truth," Nolan said. We turned to Morgan who just nodded confirming it was.

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