Chapter Seventeen:

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Tate's POV

I woke up still entwined with Hadley in her bed. She was sleeping peacefully. I glanced out the window and saw that the sun was just about to rise. I slowly began to untangle myself from her. I couldn't help as the smile spread across my face. I finally was with my mate. After all these months my wolf finally had some ease.

The pull of my wolf to claim Hadley would only get stronger though which meant I would have to run more. Keep it tired. I quietly left the room and made my way into the kitchen.

Devin was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in her hands. She looked exhausted.

"You're up exceptionally early Dev. I didn't even know it was possible," I poured myself a coffee. I had known Devin my entire life. She was practically a sister to me. We bantered like siblings. I could tell something was off.

"Ever since Da- Christopher died. I haven't been sleeping much," She said swirling her coffee around.

"Are the nightmares back," I asked, taking a seat next to her at the table.

She nodded her head "I hate him," She snarled. "I hate what he's made me. I hate how he still has this hold on me. Even when I know he's gone,"

"I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I know or even understand what you went through but I'm here for you. It'll get better with time,"

"I feel stupid that I didn't catch that Hadley was your mate," Devin laughed, changing the subject and shaking her head. "You literally have never yelled at me the way you did than when I left her in the woods the first time Hale attacked us. I just thought you were under a lot of pressure," she said.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I really thought you knew," I laughed.

"Goddess you should have told me," she said, shoving my arm. "Here I was freaking out that she was going to be mated with West,".

"Why would you think that?" I asked. I could feel my wolf getting territorial. I tried to keep myself in check. Devin noticed my shift in tone.

"I just thought it would be another fun joke of my life. I finally get this awesome friend and my brother steals her away," Devin said cautiously. A part of me knew there was more but I didn't want to push it.

"That's probably how he felt about Scott," I said. West and Scott had met during their training sessions and had been good friends for years before the bond fell between Devin and Scott. With Scott's strength and ability to fight he was sought after at a young age to potentially become our pack's gamma.

Devin had a wicked smirk on her face "Most likely,".

"How long are Darren and Braxton staying?" She asked.

"Hadley is going to tell them her answer in the morning. I'm assuming that they'll want to get back to their own pack within the next couple of days," I said.

"Is Hadley going to stay?" Devin asked.

"She is,".

"Good. You need her, her wolf is strong. I don't even want to know how you'd get if your mate was in another pack," Devin said leaning back into the chair. Her mood significantly improved.

"What is her wolf like? I haven't seen it yet," I said.

"Oh I didn't realize," Devin said leaning in. "I mean when she first shifted it was pretty clear that she was a powerful wolf. She's faster than West Tate. West. When West ran with her we assumed she had some strong genes... beta at least. Knowing that she's Alpha Warren's kid it makes sense. The power is practically radiating from her. Her eyes glow silver just like Darren's. It's crazy. She'll be a strong luna that's for sure," Devin was whispering.

My wolf was growing with pride that our mate was strong. Hadley had been through so much so fast. Even with everything she was determined to protect the pack.

"Since Hadley is staying I want to introduce her to the pack. Not as my mate but as a full member. She needs to get to know everyone. Want to help me organize a bonfire for tomorrow night?" I asked, raising my eyebrow at Devin who was practically squirming in her chair.

"Um yes! I have so much to do! Good thing I'm up early! I'm going to get started right away," Devin was jumping around. She was a sucker for planning parties and made any excuse to do it.

I laughed into my coffee as she bounced around the room making plans.

Tomorrow the whole pack would get to meet Hadley. I already knew they would love her. She had a warmness to her that invited people in. I had no doubt in my mind that she would be fully accepted as the newest member of the pack.

"Let's invite Darren and Braxton as well. They love a good party and what's one extra day," I said to Devin who was jotting down all her plans on a sheet of paper she found.

I left Devin to work on the party and made my way outside to the forest trail. The sun was now rising and the sky was dusted in shades of orange and pink. It glowed off of the fresh snow making the whole earth glow in its warmth despite the cold.

"Care if I join you?" Asked West. I had sensed him approaching me before he had even said anything.

"Not at all. Want to loop the perimeter and stop at the cave," I asked as we stripped down ready to shift.

"Sounds good, lets go," West said. He seemed hesitant, not his usual self. By now normally there would have been at least one smart ass comment or joke.

We ran the loop of the perimeter at full speed. My wolf loved running. The feeling of the crisp air through its grey fur. We made it to the entrance of the cave. Where we shifted and changed into the clothes we had been carrying. We sat at the mouth of the cave. In deep enough to block out the wind.

West and I had discovered the cave as children. We came and played out here almost every single day. It was our escape from the cruelty of the pack. It was a safe place that I had held on to dearly.

"I think.. I want to go back with Darren and Braxton to Blood Bane for a while," West hesitantly said.

"Why?" I asked not to hide the shock as I faced West.

"I just need to get away for a little and clear my head," he said, not meeting my gaze.

"As my beta that's not a good enough reason. With everything going on I need you here. The pack needs you," I said.

"I'm no good to the pack like this. I'm distracted. Blood Bane is close if anything happens I can run here and protect the pack," West said.

"What could possibly be so distracting that you need to leave?" I asked.

"Tate." West said, finally looking at me.

"Say it," I growled.

"I didn't mean to Tate. I really didn't but... I love her. I don't want to but I do. I need to get away for a little while," West said quietly.

I didn't have words for what I was feeling. It was like a slap in the face.

"I know you're probably so pissed at me right now and trust me I deserve it. But I want to fix this. I'll go away and then I'll come back and we can pretend that this never happened," He said.

"How am I supposed to forget that you're in love with my mate," I said annoyed. "Do you think those feelings are just going to go away if you leave?"

"I have to at least try," West said.

"You're supposed to be my best friend," I said.

"I am your best friend. That's why I'm telling you. That's why I'm leaving". 

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