Chapter Twenty Five:

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Hadley's POV

I woke up still tucked into Tate's chest. He was still asleep. His face looked so calm and relaxed. It made him seem so much younger.

"Good morning, beautiful," he said, opening his eyes and placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Can we just stay in bed all day?" I asked, lazilly wrapping my arms around him.

"As much as I would love that I have so much paperwork to get through,". He stroked my hair smiling up at me. "You were impressive last night. The whole pack loves you and you handled Noan well,".

"That guy gives me the creeps. There's just something off about him," I said.

Tate let out a low rumbled laugh "That would be Nolan,".

"I want more training. If I'm going to be Luna or deal with Nolan again I want to be ready. I need to be able to take care of myself and our people,".

"I really can't get away today but I can have Scott work with you. He's one of the best fighters in the pack," Tate said lazily stroking my arm.

I scrunched my nose.

"What?" he asked.

"Don't get me wrong I like Scott I really do but he's so serious. Can someone else train me?" I asked.

"West is going to be helping me so that leaves Scott. He is serious but he is a great warrior and a great pack member. It wouldn't hurt you to get to know him better," Tate said.

"Alright. Alright I will train with him," I kissed Tate quick and started changing.

"Scott will meet you outside in twenty minutes," He said hopping out of the bed.


Tate tapped his head as he headed out of the room. Mind link. I always forgot about that particular skill I now had. I had gone so long without ever having it it seemed weird to jump into people's minds just to send a message.

I tied my long brown hair back into a ponytail so that it wouldn't be in the way and grabbed my tennis shoes. I had no idea what training with Scott would all entail but I knew it would be brutal.

Scott had slammed me into the grass pinning my hand behind my back for the millionth time. After I tapped out he helped me back up. Training with him had been harder than I could have imagined. He was clearly the gamma for a reason. We had started the morning with a run then moved right into combat training. There were no jokes when it came to training. Scott took his role of getting me in shape very seriously. Despite the number of jokes I had tried to get any sort of emotion on his stern face.

"Again," Scott said, getting back into his stance ready to pounce.

Every move I countered or striked with him was blocked. I had lasted at best a few minutes but everytime so far he had won.

I swung at Scott only for him to grab my fist and flip me onto my back once again. I let out a large grunt as I hit the grass. I laid there for a moment in my frustration before standing up again.

"Again," Scott said, giving me a moment to position myself.

"What's the point of this. You're just going to keep knocking me down. At least show me something," I said frustrated.

"When you can even partially knock me down I will show you more. Until then it's pointless," he said.

"How could it be pointless?" I asked.

"Even if I showed you a move you would give yourself away. You need to work on the delivery of your moves. I know exactly what you're going to do each time because you take too long to think it through. Stop thinking just act,".

I moved closer to him putting my hands down. "Scott can we at least take a break, we've been at this for hours,".

"We can take a break when-"

Before he had a chance to finish his sentence I had grabbed his arm in a swift movement pinning it behind him. I kicked his shin swinging his leg backwards so that he fell flat on his face in the grass. I placed my knee on his back still holding his arm in place so that he couldn't move. Scott laid there in a state of what I was sure was shock. Before a laugh. An actual laugh escaped from his mouth.

"Ok. Ok. You got me. That's enough training for today. Now get off my back," he said.

As quickly as the smile came it was gone in a matter of moments. Scott had returned to his normal state. "Tomorrow we will meet again at the same time,".

I was shaking my head about to say something to Scott when we both noticed Tate and West heading over to us.

"Alpha," Scott said nodding to Tate.

"Nolan just called," Tate said looking mostly at me as he spoke.

"What does he want?" I asked.

"He wants us to visit. He's hosting a party at his estate," West said.

"A party?" I asked.

"All the alpha's and beta's from the packs from the northern continent will be there," Tate said.

"Isn't that a little risky? Having all of the most important people in the pack in one place?" I asked.

"Everyone will enter in swearing the blood oath. It's an extra security measure. I think given the circumstances we should go,''Tate said.

"So when are you and West going?" I asked.

"You'll be coming too.... Nolan specifically requested your presence," West said.

"Of course he did," I rolled my eyes.

"The party is next week," Tate said. His face was so serious, the relaxed version from this morning completely gone.

"That's good, it gives you and I more time to train," Scott said, turning towards me.

"What does Darren think of this?" I asked.

"There was an issue in Blood Bane.... Darren and Braxton left this morning. I called though and they'll be going," Tate said, giving me an empathetic look.

I was disappointed that Darren hadn't bothered to say goodbye. I wondered if Jillian had gone with them. Or had not gotten a goodbye either.

"There's one more thing," West said. He looked uncomfortable as his gaze went from me to Tate.

"What?" I asked.

"Your invitation came with a present. Nolan had it sent so that it would arrive as he called," Tate said his eyes darkening.

"What kind of present?" I asked cautiously. Tate looked like he was trying so hard to keep the rage in. Keep his wolf down. I hardly ever saw him this angry.

"He sent a dress. He wants you to wear it for the party," West said for him.

"He sent me a dress?" I was confused and creeped out.

"It's a way to mark you as his," Tate said his voice filled with the quiet cold rage. "You show up in clothes from him covered in his scent and it sends a message to all the other pack leaders,".

A chill ran through me. "Well I won't wear it then," I said.

"I think you need to," West said. "Not wearing it could insult him. Right now we need him to think everything is going according to his plan,".

"How is it not? So far he's come onto our land and now I'm wearing a dress that will mark me as his. How is it not going according to his plan?".

"Right now he doesn't know about you. Not fully. That's the advantage we need. I don't like this either but you're getting close to him. Him feeling safe around you. That's what we need right now," West explained. I looked at Tate who was staring at the ground, his hands clenched so tight his knuckles were white.

"If I do this... then I'm doing it my way," I said crossing my arms. "I have a plan".

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