Chapter Thirty Nine:

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Hadley's POV

We had made it back home to the pack house. The rest of the group had taken Nolan somewhere and locked him up. We wouldn't be able to do anything about him until he woke up. Tate and I had the entire house to ourselves. The moment we walked in the door I allowed myself to savour it. Before I had not been totally sure I would ever walk through this home again. Smell the pine that lingered in the house. Nolan's pack house was a cold, large, marbled mansion. There was no denying the pack house was huge but the warm toned painted walls and wood floors, this place was lived in. This place was loved.

I went to the lounge. Which may have been my favorite room in the house. I stood at the center admiring the walls of books and nick nacks. The rugs scattered across the floor. The array of miscellaneous velvet furniture. The roaring fireplace.

Tate wrapped his arms around me from behind, pulling me into his warm embrace. He nuzzled his head against my neck.

"You make this place a real home you know". I smiled at the words leaning further into him.

"I didn't realize how much I had missed it till just now. I don't think I fully allowed myself to miss it," I said quietly. "Do you still want to claim me?" I asked. Turning my body towards his. I wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands moved to my waist.

"I do. But it's up to you. Do you want the claim? Do you want this?" his warm brown eyes searched mine patiently.

"I do. I don't want to keep pretending you don't mean the world to me. I love you Tate. I want to be by your side through it all. Whatever the cost".

Tate moved his head towards mine slowly. He pressed a long hard kiss against my lips pulling away only a hair. "I love you Hadley. So much". He continued the kissing, deepening it. It was slow and unrushed. Like we had all the time in the world.

There would be danger in being his mate. His luna. I no longer cared though. I knew I was strong and that I could protect this. Protect our home and our pack.

Tate scooped me up in his arms. A muffled giggle escaped through my lips not breaking away from Tate. We made our way to his bedroom. Tate laid me on the bed gently. His mouth never leaving mine. He took his time slowly exploring my mouth and my body. He teased my neck repeatedly kissing the spot he would soon claim. He lightly scraped his fangs against it sending shivers down my whole body.

I knew he was going to do it as he took one silent moment to look at me. Asking for my permission with his gaze. I gave him a small nod and leaned my head back to get more access to my neck.

He sunk his fangs into my neck and I felt it. The bond that had always been there from the start. A small spark in my soul growing into a bright living flame. Words could not describe the connection I felt to Tate. My hands gripped his hair as his fangs stayed in my neck. He pulled back, licking the blood off of his lips as a loving smile filled his face.

He took his shirt off. I didn't waste any time crushing my lips to his again. I sat up and guided Tate beneath me. Straddling him I kissed the same part of his neck. Right above his shoulder. I sweetly tormented him. Teasing him with every painstakingly long stroke of my fangs. Tate lightly groaned in protest.

I sunk my fangs into him. Repeating what he had done to me. That living flame only grew even brighter sealing our claim to one another. Whatever had happened during the claim sent us into a frenzy. We couldn't get enough of each other. After tonight the bond would be complete. Tate would be my full mate.


I awoke the next morning my hand immediately going to the part of my neck where Tate had claimed me. The wound had healed but I could still feel the tiny bumps where his fangs had sunk in. Forever marking us as mates.

The bond fully in place was unlike anything I could have ever expected. Tate and I had been entwined in the sheets all night. The pull to one another had always been strong but now it was addicting. I smiled at his sleeping wavy brown head. Everything felt different. I had always been independent but something about completing the mating process had made me feel more complete. I also couldn't deny the fact that my wolf felt even stronger than before as though I now shared Tate's strength on top of my own.

Tate opened his eyes and watched me as I got ready after getting out of the shower. He smiled at me in the way that sent butterflies to my stomach.

"Morning beautiful" he put a hand behind his head sitting up in bed. The sheets covered most of him but his muscled chest was on full display. It took more self control than I would care to admit to not jump him in bed.

His face went blank. I could tell he was getting a mind link from someone. I waited patiently.

"Nolan's awake," His eyes turned hard at the mention of Nolan's name.

"May as well get this over with," I said pulling the sweater over my head.

Tate got up kissing me on the head before heading off to his room to get ready. My mind kept flashing back to yesterday. I had been so close to doing it. To slit his throat. I probably would have done it had the rest not shown up. I had liked how the dagger had felt in my hands. The cool weight of the sturdy silver. I felt powerful in that moment. I had full control. I didn't know what that all meant or what that made me. I pushed the thoughts out of my head and made my way downstairs. Tate was already ready and waiting at the bottom. He took my hand and we made our way to Nolan's cell.

Nolan was chained to the floor of the cell. The chain looked incredibly heavy and durable. Not even an alpha could break it. Still I kept my distance.

"Nolan" I said. His head tilted up. His black eyes glaring at me. His face twitched and I could have sworn I saw a small amount of shock cross his face. Within a matter of moments that cruel sneer was back.

"I would say congratulations Hadley darling to finding your mate. It seems you did end up doing slightly better than some beta.... although Tate isn't much of a step up," Nolan's voice was laced with venom. "How interesting that you and the beta were so convincing with one another I assumed he was your mate. Although maybe it wasn't so much of an act after all. Where is West anyways?".

"Shut up Nolan," I spat.

"Hit a nerve did I?" Nolan taunted.

"I'm just not interested in you wasting my time," I said bordely. Tate's body had gone slightly stiff but his face played off the comments.

"What witch are you working with?" Tate commanded.

Nolan looked at us silently. His eyes danced with that shred of wickedness.

"Now why on earth would I tell you that".

I moved closer to the cell bars so my face was right next to Nolan's, my voice coming out cold as ice. "I've spared your life once Nolan. Next time I won't let myself be distracted from ending you. I will savour every drop of blood from you till your dried out. You're going to tell us the information we need and maybe I'll spare you again. That's a promise," My eyes grew dark as the night with each word.

"What happened to that innocent little mortal from the woods?" Nolan teased carefully.

"I'm Luna of the Atlas Moon Pack. I will do what is necessary for my people and my mate. Especially if that means killing you".

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