Chapter Thirty Four:

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Hadley's POV

I watched the world around me through eyes that no longer belonged to me. That no longer was in my control. I felt every smile I gave to Nolan and saw every one he returned to me. I only half paid attention to the simple pleasantries that my mouth made with Nolan. My main focus was breaking through that wall. That invisible veil of smoke that covered my every being. Over the last few days I had been painfully chipping away at it. Making small progress. I just had to wait for the right moment now to shove my true self through that veil. I needed a moment when Nolan wasn't watching me with those hauntingly dark eyes.

I was a doll to him. Put in pretty dresses and paraded around the cabin. He would bring me back to the pack soon. Now an obedient wolf who listened to his every command without question. Without even a flinch. That was what I had become. A puppet, trapped in a body that no longer belonged to myself.

Tate's POV

A few days had gone by and something was still off with Jillian. It was like she was there but wasn't fully with us. That fiery personality was now a dull flame. A glimmer of what she used to be.

"How long are we going to pretend like this is ok," West said quietly to me. We were both standing in the door frame of the large sitting room. Jillian had been sitting by the flame staring at it for hours now.

"I called Braxton yesterday. He'll be here by the end of today," I said watching Jillian. I couldn't help but blame myself for her current state. I had sent her out and something happened. It was my responsibility as the alpha to protect her.

"Good. If anyone can help her it's her mate".

"Is everything in place for tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yup. Devin's checking the map now to find the best pathway in. Nolan probably has a few guards on the premise borders so we'll have to take some backwards ways to enter undetected. Scott's helping her out too. We'll get her back Tate," West said putting a hand on my shoulder re-assuring me.

"She's been with him for over a week West. Who knows what torture she's gone through in that amount of time," I growled. My wolf had burst out multiple times over the last few days. I normally considered myself a more laid back alpha but with my mate being taken the control was harder to maintain.

"Just one more day," West said. Devin and Scott approached us in the doorway. Devin's face dropping into a small frown at the sight of Jillian. Scott held up the map showing us the route we would take tomorrow.

Getting there would only be half the challenge. Getting to Hadley and being able to tell her how to get through the shield would be the real challenge.

Devin made her way over to Jillan by the fire and knelt next to her. Saying something to her quietly enough that the rest of us couldn't hear it. A tiny smile broke on Jillan's face. As she looked at us for a moment I could see that dull flame turn back into that bright fire that usually filled her. I could have sworn I heard West sigh in relief as though he saw it just as I had.

I barely slept that night. I tossed and turned constantly. After hours I grunted getting out of bed. Wandering into the hallway. I stopped in front of Hadley's door. Imagining that when I opened it she would be fast asleep in bed. Her long brown hair swept over her face.

I opened the door to the empty bed. My heart sinking at the sight of the sheets still unmade from the last night she had slept in it. I crawled into her bed pushing my face into her pillow. The smell of her honeysuckle and orange shampoo filling my senses and instantly relaxing me. I was finally able to close my eyes and sleep the rest of the night.

We woke up right before the sun rose and brought a pack for each of us with various supplies and additional weapons. Dealing with a witch we wanted to be prepared for anything. If she was able to turn our shifting the combat training and weapons were a good second defense. We gathered in the kitchen going over the plan one final time.

"If you get the chance will you take out Nolan?" Devin asked.

I contemplated for a moment readjusting my straps. "Taking out Nolan will be seen as an act of war. Our main goal is Hadley and getting her back. If Nolan gets in the way though we'll do what's necessary".

"Understood Alpha," Devin said, giving me a small salute. A small inside joke she had done with me since I had become alpha.

"Braxton has agreed to help watchover the pack while we're gone. He'll help Jillian and the warriors if anything happens," I said.

"Let's bring her home," West said. His eyes were cold, not a glimmer of the humor he usually had.

We shifted carrying our packs and made our way to the rogue lands where Jillian had tracked Hadley. It took a few hours since we had to weave our way instead of taking the direct path. With the dusk there was enough fog to cover us more.

I could feel the repelling nature of the shield before my wolf eyes even saw the cabin. Definitely a witch, and a strong one at that. I mind linked with the others to make sure they were in position.

I'm not seeing any movement in the house. Devin said through the link.

Do you feel her through the bond? Scott asked.

Nothing. I replied. Which wasn't a total shock since I hadn't since Nolan had taken her.

We need to make our move the longer we sit here the greater chance one of Nolan's pack warriors senses us. I said.

We made our way closing into the house. We would have to be quick and efficient. If Morgan had been right the shield should only be keeping Hadley in. The rest of us would be able to move freely. I didn't doubt though that the second we crossed that threshold an alarm would be sent to that witch.

I nodded to the others signalling that I was going in. I used the full speed of my wolf to race down from the treeline to the edge of the shield. The hum of it sent vibrations through my whole body, that grew with every inch I got closer to it. I picked up speed and lept through the border knocking the door down with my force. I took in the small cabin. The living room, the kitchen. Clear. No sign of Hadley. I made my way down the short hallway. Three doors. I shoved open the first one on full alert. Ready for Nolan. The bathroom was empty. I knocked down the next door. West's wolf was behind mine ready to strike and covering my back. The next room had a single bed and was also empty. We made our way to the final back door of the cabin. I looked at West. He nodded showing me he was ready. The adrenaline coursed through me as I let my wolf take full control. I knocked down the final door when I caught her scent clinging to the sheets. I opened the closet door to find it empty except for a few clothes.

I shifted back into my mortal form. Double checking every nook and cranny of the place. My instincts confirmed what I already knew.

Hadley was not there. She had been but now she was gone. 

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