Chapter Forty Five:

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Tate's POV

Scott, West, and I made our way back down to the cell. Nolan was leaning against the wall still furious. He did not say anything though as I opened the cell door and unlocked the chain tethering him to the floor. The shackles clanged as they fell to the floor.

"You will be allowed to return to your pack unharmed after the blood oath has been sealed," I said. My voice was hard as I looked over the snake.

"I heard what you did to Christopher. No tricks. Otherwise your blood oath means nothing to me," Nolan spat.

"Fine." I released one of my claws and dragged it down the palm of my hand.

"I Tate Alpha of Atlas Pack will release you upon agreement of the blood oath with no loopholes. My words shall be final, and unbreaking," I watched Nolan's dark eyes as he repeated the process, slicing open his own palm.

"I Nolan of Fenris Moon Pack will leave Hadley alone, I will not bring harm to this pack or Blood Bane," Nolan said reaching his hand forward to shake mine. His eyes glared.

"And....." I waited before extending my hand.

"I will stay within the borders determined as my territory," Nolan huffed.

I shook his hand in a firm grasp. The blood oath set into place. I still couldn't believe I was just allowing him to walk out of here. To leave after everything he had done. Everything he had tried to do to Hadley. From the looks on Scott's and West's faces they were thinking the same thing.

"We will escort you from our border to yours. When we make it to rogue territory you will be allowed to contact your pack," Scott said. His voice was cold as marble. Nolan nodded his head understanding.

We walked through our lands cutting directly into rogue territory. The same part of the woods where Hadley had first been attacked. It was taking everything in me to hold onto control. To hold onto my word and not harm Nolan. As we passed that part of the woods. Nolan gave me a taunting smile. He knew where we were. What it meant. What had happened here. West tapped me on the shoulder giving me a knowing look with a slight shake of his head. It was enough to reel me in. Drawing my focus away from my lethal killing calm.

We made it to the edge of the rogue territory that rested against Fenris Moon Lands. Nolan had mind linked with his pack. I couldn't spot them but my wolf could sense the two pack warriors that were lingering behind the brush.

"What are you going to do about Jade now that your back?" West asked Nolan curiously. I was surprised he had asked the question. I was even more surprised when Nolan responded.

"I'm going to make her pay for what she did to me," Nolan said his eyes danced with fury at the mention of her. "Don't underestimate her. She's cunning and cruel," Nolan said.

"Worse than you?" Scott scuffed.

"Yes. Worse than me. Her power is unmatched. Don't begin something with her lightly. If you do anything, be smart about it. Smarter than she is," Nolan said with all seriousness. It was the first time his gaze had softened from something slightly less wicked.

"Why should we take anything you say into consideration. How can we trust you won't go back to her?" West asked.

"She played me. I made a calculated risk and I got it wrong. I thought she'd be willing to strike a deal. She manipulated me. At the end of the day she's a witch and we are wolves. If it comes down to it I'll help my own kind over her. You can't trust her," Nolan said.

Nolan's whole body stiffened and his eyes grew wide as he spotted something behind us. It was less than a second. It took less than a second for the invisible force to snap Nolan's neck. His dark eyes unmoving as they stared lifelessy at me from the ground.

We all whipped our bodies around. The woman behind me was tall with bronzed skin and long curling locks of caramel colored hair. Her eyes glowed a golden brown. Her one hand still raised.

"Jade," I growled.

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