Chapter Sixteen:

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Hadley's POV

West stood there for a moment just staring at me, his face was full of emotion that I couldn't read.

"West, it's late. What do you want?" I asked again.

"I just wanted to make sure you were ok. You were gone a long time. We were all worried about you. I was worried about you," He said.

"I'm fine, go to bed West," I said as I closed the door on him. He reached his hand out and stopped the door before I could get it closed all the way.

"Hadley don't push me out like this. Just forget what I said I can't handle you being like this towards me," His eyes were pleading with me.

"You knew... You knew that Tate was my mate and you still said and did all those things. I don't get how someone can do that to their best friend," I whispered.

"Do you think I want to feel this way? That everytime I look at Tate I feel horrible because of what I said. What I feel," He whispered. "I just want things to go back to normal,".

"I don't even know what normal is anymore,". 

We were having a full on whisper shouting match in the hallway. 

"Look West I care about you and thank you for checking up on me. I need space though because right now when I look at you a part of me isn't sure if I want to punch you in the face or hug you. You will always be my friend but I don't feel that way about you,".

"What's going on?" Tate had made his way to the hallway and was cautiously eyeing West and eye. I wasn't sure if he had heard anything.

"Nothing Tate. I was just checking to see if Hadley was ok. I'll leave you two to it," West said leaving Tate and I alone. He ignored looking at me as he made his way down the hall and back to his room.

"Are you ok?" Tate asked. He came up to me and wrapped me in his arms. I breathed in his scent, immediately calming down my wolf who was pissed at West.

"I'm ok," I said softly tilting my head up to meet his gaze.

"Can we talk?" he asked, nodding to my room. I nodded yes in return and we made my way into my room. I sat back down on the bed. He sat on the edge facing me.

"I understand why you don't want people to know I'm your mate," I said, finally breaking the silence. "If Nolan got his hands on me he could hurt you. Hurt the pack. I know I'm still new to all of this but I do care and I'm trying," I said quietly.

"Hadley your safety means everything to me. I want to be with you but maybe Darren has a point. If you went with him he could maybe keep you safer," he said.

"You want me to leave," I asked hurt.

"Of course not. The thought of you not being near me would wreck me but I could live with it if it meant you could be safer. You're my mate I would give up anything for you even the pack. I can't give Nolan that option," he said looking sad.

"So that's it then you're just going to send me away? Tate I am not some weak little girl who always needs to be saved. I can protect myself. Now more than ever. This is my home. I'm not going to just abandon it and the people I care about to go hide in Darren's pack," I said, my voice rising.

"Ok." Tate said.

"Ok?" I asked, confused.

"Look, ultimately it's your choice. I respect you. I'm not going to have Darren drag you to Blood Bane if that isn't what you want," Tate said.

A little part of me was surprised he was ok with it so quickly. "Have you thought about it... being my mate?" He asked.

"I have. Look I agree it is safest for everyone if they don't know I'm your mate right now. I don't want Nolan to have that advantage on us. There's no denying the pull I feel towards you, it's just. It's just that this is so much right now,"

"I know Hadley. We can take things as slow as you need. I will always love you. I can wait as long as you need," Tate said, grabbing my hand.

"You love me?" I asked.

"I do. I've always known the more I got to know you. Your humor, how you care so strongly for people, your strength, and courage. All those things make me know you were meant to be my mate. And meant to be the luna of this pack. I'm lucky I found you," He said smiling at me.

I didn't know when the tears started lightly falling down my cheeks. Tate moved in closer kissing each one away. "You're my home Hadley. Everything I could ever need you are," his kiss moved to my mouth. It was slow, steady, and passionate. Like we had all the time in the world to do it.

Are kisses began to build with intensity. Tate pulled back. Our breathing was both coming in heavy. Tate's eyes had gone full black as he tried to calm himself down. They slowly began to change back into their normal warm brown.

"Sorry. My wolf really wants to claim you. This isn't going to be easy for me," he said running a hand through his wavy hair, blushing lightly.

"For me either," I said with a sultry smirk.

"If I start being a stubborn territorial asshole don't be afraid to put me in my place," he chuckled.

"Now that is something I can do," I smiled leaning in and kissing him on the cheek.

I was completely exhausted. It had been such a long day. Despite everything I felt happy. I laid my head on the pillow and let sleep take over. I felt the bed shift as Tate laid next to me wrapping his arm around me pulling me into him. 

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