Chapter Twenty:

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Hadley's POV

It was the morning of the bonfire. I wasn't sure if I was more nervous or excited about tonight. I got ready throwing on my favorite pair of black skinny jeans with rips on the knees, a dark grey sweater, my emerald leather jacket, and some black boots.

It was the perfect day for a fire. The snow had started to melt. Plus my wolf allowed me to not mind the cold as much as I once had. I looked out my window to see Jillian and Braxton acting all lovey dovey on the bench. They had been inseparable since the bond set into place. I was happy for them both, but a small part of me was jealous of the fact that I didn't get to enjoy being with my mate so publicly.

Devin had come to my room last night after I came back with Darren. I told her it all. How West had confessed his feelings for me. How he kissed me, and now he was going to Blood Bane.

I would tell Tate about it all I decided after talking with Devin he had the right to know. The only thing stopping me was that I didn't want to hurt his friendship with West. Devin had begged me to wait till after West had left so that Tate wouldn't hurt him. She couldn't make the same promises.

Sure enough when I had gone downstairs later to get water. West was icing his cheek from where I assumed Devin had punched him. He simply got up and walked away without a word. The silence was miserable.

As if Tate could read my mind there was a gentle knock on the door as he came in. His tight long sleeve shirt showed off all his muscle underneath. I took a moment to admire him. He closed the door behind him and pulled me into his arms.

"I'm excited for you to meet everyone. They're going to love you," he said, smiling his forehead pushed against mine. I took the moment to breathe him in and be grateful that we were still able to have these moments together.

"I'm nervous. Tell me everything I need to know," I said smiling up at him.

"Well we're one of the largest packs. It sounds like most people are coming so you potentially will meet 300 something wolves," Tate said. It only made me slightly more nervous. "The pack is fairly young. A lot of the older members left when I took over. Some went to Nolan. As for the others they became rogues,"

"I'm sorry you had to deal with all of that," my hand grazed his cheek. I didn't like to see my mate stressed or upset.

"It was hard but it was what was best for the people of the pack. Before we were built on fear now there's real community and trust. I would do it all again if I had too. It led me to you," He said leaning in and placing a kiss on my lips. The electricity coursed through me.

Tate pulled back quickly, his eyes had gone dark and he was pacing. "Sorry the longer I go without claiming you the harder it is to keep my wolf in check,".

"I just want this to be over with," I said softly. The thought that Nolan was out there and what he wanted to do to me. It sent shivers through me.

"Me too," He said sitting back down. "West will be in Blood Bane so he can keep eyes from there," Tate said watching me closely.

"I know he told me he was going," I said. Tate raised his eyebrows at me as though he was surprised.

"He told you he was leaving?" He asked.

Devin had asked me not to tell Tate yet but I couldn't just sit here and pretend that everything with West was ok.

"West... well," I stalled. "He confessed his feelings for me and then kissed me when he told me he was leaving," I blurted all at once.

Tate's eyes went black again but this time not with lust. He paced in the room some more swearing under his breath.

"He kissed you? Yesterday he kissed you?!" he asked.

"Yes but I told him I wasn't interested. That you are my mate and I want to be with you," I said going up to him. I put his face between my hands forcing those black eyes to look at me.

"I want you. I will always choose you," I said. His eyes slowly started to return back to their normal warm brown.

"I'm sorry I don't mean to be such a territorial ass. Just the thought of losing you to him.... I don't think I could...."

"Tate you aren't going to lose me to anyone," I said kissing him. "I promised Devin I would wait to tell you until after the fire so you wouldn't hurt him too badly. Can we please just forget this happened? I just want you and West to be normal friends again. I want us all to be friends," I said carefully, waiting for Tate's response.

He smiled pulling me into a hug "As long as I have you by my side I think I can keep my temperamental wolf in check. Leaving is probably the best thing right now. I would like us all to be friends too but I'm still pissed at him," he said.

"Fair enough," I said, pulling him in for another kiss.

"If you keep kissing me like that I may totally lose control," Tate smiled.

"Can we go for a run?" I asked.

"Yes please." Tate said.

My shift barley hurt at all anymore. Thankfully I was finally getting used to it. Only a few more times and it wouldn't hurt at all. I loved how the wind felt against my fur as we ran on the territory. Tate and I were playing a game of chase. It was a fair match of speed. My wolf was extremely quick.

We barely noticed that we had reached the perimeter, distracted by the others' presence. I could smell it before I even knew what it was.

Wait here. Tate mind linked to me as he approached the direction of the smell in his wolf.

After a few minutes passed Tate made his way back shifted back into his mortal form with a small boy in his arms. He couldn't be older than eight. He was alive but had a large gash in his side that wreaked of something I wasn't able to place. I shifted back.

"Is he..." I asked

"He's alive. Barley but alive. We need to get him back now," Tate said.

"Is he a pack member?" I asked.

"No. He's from Fenris Moon... He's one of Nolan's".

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