Chapter Thirty Two:

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Tate's POV

"The border has been secured, no rogues or Fenris Moon will even make it an inch in," Scott said, taking a seat down on the cushioned chair of the study.

I sat in my chair half hearing what he said as I focused on the flames coming off of the marble fireplace.

"Telling the pack was a good call. With all the volunteers helping patrol the border it gives us all a chance to come up with a plan to get Hadley back," West said.

I glanced around the room. Devin was seated in the chair next to Scott, her face looking grave. Jillian laid on the couch as she sharpened a knife looking pissed off. West watched me intently, waiting.

"Scott I need you to stay here and lead the warriors and volunteers," I said.

Scott nodded.

"What are we going to do about Hadley? We can just sit here. Every minute that passses by is another moment she's alone with him," Devin snarled.

"What would you have me do Devin? I can't just go marching into Fenris Moon wolfing out demanding her back. Nolan's prepared for us to strike. We have to be clever. I won't risk Hadley's life on my inability to control my emotions,".

"He's probably not even keeping her in Fenris Moon. It's too obvious. Nolan's a snake he's planned this out thoroughly. He's constantly a step ahead of us" West said running a hand through his blonde hair. The bags under his eyes matched mine. Everything was clearly wearing on us.

"Send me," Jillian said, sitting up.

"I can't just send you into enemy territory Jillian they'll scent you on the spot," I said.

"Send me," she said more firmly this time. "I'm the best tracker you have. Plus I know Fenris Moon better than you think. I've snuck in before I can do it again. If Hadley is there I'll know,".

"When did you sneak in?" West said, surprised.

"Not important," Jillian said, standing up winking at West.

"What if they catch you?" I asked.

"They won't. They'd have to notice I was there first and then be fast enough to catch me which they aren't," She said cockily. "Devin's right we're wasting time".

"What if she isn't there? You said Nolan's smart that he wouldn't keep her on the pack lands," Devin said.

"Covered." Jillian said bluntly.

"Covered?" Devin asked.

"If she isn't there I'll scope out the surrounding rogue territory," Jillian said with that wicked smile on her face. She was already pulling her dark curly hair into a ponytail as though she was ready to leave right away. "You won't find another wolf who can track or know the northern territories as good as me".

"Go. Keep us posted," I said. Jillian was leaving the room.

"You all better have a plan in place for when I find her," she sang as she left.

"Do you have a plan?" West asked.

"No but I know someone who can give us the information we need to make a plan," I said gravely.

"No. No. You can't be serious. We don't need her help," Devin said.

"Who's help?" Scott asked.

Devin looked at me silently begging me to say any other name.


Devin had thrown her hands up in the air dramatically and was now pacing in front of the fireplace, muttering curse words under her breath.

"If you think that witch is going to help us after what West did to her, you're crazy," Devin was still fuming.

"Woah there!" West put his hands up in defense. "We dated for like three months when I was sixteen that was years ago. She technically dumped me".

"She dumped you because she caught you making out with that random rogue chick!" Devin yelled.

"I'm sure she's over that by now," West said.

"Tool," Devin muttered, shaking her head at West.

"West you'll stay here when we go talk to her," I said.

West opened his mouth but no words came out. Devin stuck her tongue out at West.

"Looks like it's just you and me Devin," I said standing up.

"I hate witches," Devin pouted.

Hadley's POV

It was around the evening when I felt it. I had been sitting in the grass watching the woods, the sunset. Thinking about my friends. About my mate. When the fog started making its way over my senses.

It was like smoke that rose from the earth and coursed over my whole body. Absorbing itself into every fiber of my being. Of my soul. It was like a living being. I felt it slowly take over my body. The control I had. Then it took over my brain. My soul was shoved back as it claimed the seat of my being. I was still there. My true self was forced to watch as I stood up and made my way to the house. Towards Nolan with a genuine smile on my face.

Not my face anymore though. The smoke that had taken over. That had fully covered every part of me in a fog that was in control now. It felt like a dream. Although I knew I was awake. I watched myself in horror as the thing taking claim over me sat in Nolan's lap as he pulled us in.

I banged on the walls of the fog. Screaming. Begging this nightmare to stop. Force only made the claim more aggressive as it shoved me further down into my subconscious.

I would not give up though. I would not let this thing take ownership of me. I scanned my body searching through that smoke for anything. Any sign of weakness.

There in a small corner of my being was a fragment of a shard in the smoke. A small way out maybe. My body seemed to be distracted enough with Nolan. I pushed my being through that shard and slowly made work pushing my conscious through. It was small but I could feel the small bit of myself return to me. It would take time but it was possible.

I would make that witch pay. I would make Nolan pay. I just needed time. 

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