Chapter Fifty Eight:

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Hadley's POV

My grip was tight on the steering wheel and my knuckles were white. My heart was thundering but with each mile on the road I could feel my pulse start to relax. I had to be calm in front of Jade. If she saw how undone I truly was she would suspect something was up.

I had ignored all of West's gentle attempts to talk to me the first half hour in the car. I sighed. I would need them still. As much as I hated putting them at risk to make the plan work they would have to help.

"Hadley," West cautiously put his hand on my shoulder. His voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I glanced at him, only taking my eyes off of the road for a moment.

"Hadley," he repeated. Quieter this time. I could see what he wanted. Me to open up. To talk to him. Hell he probably wanted us to turn around and go back and get Tate.

"The plan has changed but I still need your help," I glanced at them both. Devin nodded.

"West you're not going near Jade," I said. He tried to cut me off but I sent him a glare that had him closing his mouth.

"Hadley. Jade will suspect you the whole point of West doing it is so that she doesn't see it coming. So that we have even a fraction of more time. She knows you want revenge," Devin said. Her voice was soft. Comforting.

"I know," I said, my eyes not leaving the road.

"Let me do this Hadley. I want to do this," West pleaded.


"Hadley you're going to get yourself killed," West said. The irritation was growing in his voice.

I ignored the comment and the tone. "This is how it is going to happen".

West and Devin listened. Neither of them bothered to interrupt me or make any comment. They merely listened. I could tell that West was furious. That he didn't agree. But I was the Luna, and he would follow my command whether he liked them or not.

We had pulled over on the side of the road before entering the territory. I made sure to take the keys with me. I walked into the woods with my bag and changed into the sapphire blue dress. I quickly put on some makeup and was back in the car within ten minutes. We all noticeably stiffened as we entered Fenris Moon territory. Each of us on guard.

We made our way to the entrance exchanging one final glance with each other. I wasn't sure if I would be leaving this house. They knew it too. I reached down grabbing each of their hands giving them a small squeeze. Devin returned the squeeze before entering the pack house. West held firm to my hand, keeping me back a moment.

I just looked up at West. I wasn't sure what to say. If there was anything really to say. I could see the hurt and the conflict that covered his eyes. He glanced around before wrapping his arms around me. Hugging me tightly.

"Hadley you don't have to do this," he whispered in my ear. I fought the stinging in my eyes. "I will still do this".

I pulled back and smiled at him, his arms still wrapped around me. I raised myself on my tiptoes to place a kiss on his cheek. His crystal eyes watched me so closely.

"Take care of him West," I said quietly before pulling away and walking into the pack house.

The house was filled with pack members. It seemed as though all the other Alpha's and Beta's had come. I spotted Cassia in the crowd and he gave me a strange look after noticing the Alpha who had not accompanied me. The one I had left in a magical bind chained to our bed. I glared at her before making my way into the mix, West at my side. Devin had gone off already executing her part of the plan.

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