Chapter Thirty Five:

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Tate's POV

"Tate you need to try and relax. You're on the verge of losing control," Devin had closed the door to what I assumed had been Hadley's room. Giving me a moment away from the others. My eyes had gone full black. I could feel every killer instinct start to shred its way through me. All my wolf wanted to do was to have control and run onto Fenris Moon Pack lands. Find Nolan and rip his throat out. I growled at Devin as I pulled on my hair. It was taking everything in me to hold onto that control.

"We will get her back Tate, I promise. Just look at me ok. Look at me and breathe," Devin had grabbed onto my shoulders. I tried to shrug her off but she held on firm.

"Breathe" She ordered quietly.

I'm not sure how long we stood there for but sure enough my pulse worked its way back down. The killing urge dulled. My eyes returned back to normal vision. There was no judgement on Devin's face, only patience and understanding.

"This was a total waste of time," I growled. Devin was still holding onto my shoulders. I could tell she was still slightly worried I would full on wolf out on her still.

"It was not a total waste. We know that Nolan had her here. If this was her room he clearly isn't keeping her chained up in the basement. We know he must have a deal with the rogues since he's on the unclaimed land. We also can assume he took her back now to Fenris Moon. He wants her to be his luna he'll have to present her eventually. Nolan lacks patience, lacks control," Devin spoke in a slow calm voice. Her hands making their way off of me back to her side.

"Fenris Moon will be a lot harder to infiltrate than this random cabin in rogue lands," I sighed.

"Perhaps, but does Nolan even think we're all coming for her?" Devin asked.

"If we played off the party well enough he should assume that West is her mate. He knows he would for sure come for her, but he doesn't know me well enough to figure out if I would support him in getting her back," I said contemplating.

"Plus he'll want the upper hand, he won't want Darren preparing for an attack. If he thinks Nolan did steal his sister away that is cause for one. No Nolan will be sneaky about this. I'm just not sure how he'll spin it." Devin raked her hands through her hair pulling it back into a ponytail, deep in thought.

"Do you think he would blame it on rogues again?" I asked.

"That wouldn't explain though why you ended up drugged and left on our territory after the party. If it had been rogues you think Nolan would have at least called," Devin said, scanning the room.

"We should head back to Atlas before any rogues or more members of Fenris Moon head back here," I said. Devin nodded at me and we made our way out of the house. No one else said anything to me. I assumed they had either heard me in frustration or Devin had mind linked them enough to know to not push me on the matter just yet.

We made it back to the house. It took hours to work our way through the woods. We assumed Nolan's pack warriors wouldn't be out now that the cabin was empty, but we didn't want to take the risk. Jillian was asleep on the couch next to Braxton who popped off it after we entered the room. Like he had been impatiently waiting for us the entire time.

"We didn't find her. Nolan had already left by the time we got there," West said in defeat.

"I know. He called. He called Darren," Braxton blurted.

"What did he say," I demanded.

"He said Hadley left with him by choice. That they've been away and didn't say anything sooner because they've been swarmed up with each other. He's claiming that Hadley is his mate Tate," Braxton spoke so quickly I had to take a moment to fully wrap my head around it.

"His mate?" I growled.

"Darren played it off acting surprised and happy. He was totally caught off guard. Neither of us could get a hold of you guys," Braxton said, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides.

My whole body had gone still and quiet. The killing calm had fully taken over as I stood emotionless before my friends. Scott looked over to me concerned. Devin gave his hand a squeeze.

"What are you going to do?" West asked me cautiously.

"I'm going to rip Nolan's throat out with my bare teeth," I said quietly. There was no edge to my voice.

I could tell by the look on my friends faces that they were concerned with my emotional state. Devin visibly shivered at my words. As I stood there my cell phone started to ring. I grabbed it from my pocket and pulled it out to glance at the screen. Nolan's name flashed across and I held it out to show the room before answering it.

"Nolan," I said the cool calm rolling off of my tongue.

"Tate, I just wanted to inform you of the great news," Nolan said.

"What would that be?" Ice coated my every word.

"I discovered at the party that Hadley is my mate; the bond finally snapped into place. She will not be returning to your pack as you can imagine she will be joining mine at my side as luna. We will be having the ceremony at the end of this week. Making it official and all," Nolan said. I could feel his sinister grin through the phone.

"What about West," I said. My voice still showing no emotion.

"Must have been a fluke since Hadley is so clearly my mate. There's no denying....the pull," Nolan said.

"I see".

"I'd love for you to be in attendance of the ceremony as alpha. Although I think it would be best if your beta pup stays home".

"I wouldn't miss it," I snarled.

"Lovely. I will send more information. I need to get back to my mate, you know how they can be when the bond first hits," Nolan said.

It felt like I was having an out of body experience the more Nolan talked the further I dug into that killing calm. Ripping his throat out would be too easy. No. I would make him suffer. I hung up the phone without replying. Devin's eyes scanned me nervously, her mouth opening but no words made their way out.

"This ends tonight".

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