Chapter Fifty Three:

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Hadely's POV

Tate and West had taken care of Darren's body. I assumed they would send it back to Blood Bane, back to Blair. That phone call had been brutal. Of course Blair had already known. Had already felt the mate bond die. She lost a part of herself. A part of her soul.

After the phone call I had gone quiet. Numb. The world around me kept moving but my mind was plagued with Darren's death. His face. The blood. Devin had gently taken me to my room into the connecting bathroom. Neither of us spoke. She wiped off the blood I was covered in as the tears streamed down her face. I didn't have it in me to comfort her at that moment. I felt broken. Devin brought me clothes to change into. I grabbed her hand giving an appreciative squeeze, the most empathy I could muster.

I peeled the bloody clothes off of me and changed. I looked at the reflection in the mirror. The moment I saw my eyes though I had to look away. My eyes. So similar to Darren's only mine were more green. I had been so selfish. I hadn't even had the chance to really get to know him. To go to Blood Bane. I couldn't help but feel responsible for his death.

I left the bathroom to find Devin sitting on my bed. She wiped the tears away and forced her strained voice to be steady.

"The others are downstairs. Tate is waiting for you," She said coming up next to me wrapping me in her arms.

"Hadley I am so sorry," She said. Her voice was muffled in my hair. I wrapped my arms around her and held on tight. I begged the burning tears in my eyes not to fall anymore. I was the Luna, I had to be strong.

"Let's go downstairs," I said, giving Devin a final squeeze.

We made our way to the sitting room. The fire was going but the whole room felt cold. Empty. Tate was leaned against the wall. West sat in the chair fidgeting with his hands. Devin took a seat next to Scott.

We all sat in silence. No one knew what to say. What to do. It was all too fresh. But time was not something we could spare. Not with Jade out there.

West's eyes finally left his fidgeting hands as they met mine. "I know this is shitty timing and I know this is the last thing you want to talk about....but we need to know what happened. If we are going to protect you and this pack we need to talk about it," West looked distraught. I gave him a small nod. He was right.

I couldn't form the words as I struggled to say what had happened. Tate moved behind me placing a strong warm hand on my shoulder. "Jade was with Cassia. They ambushed us right outside the house. Darren... he was with them. They bound him," Tate said.

"Has anyone heard from Braxton or Jillian?" Devin asked somberly.

"Jillian is going to Blood Bane now to help Braxton. I called him after..." Tate said.

"Why did she do it?" Devin's voice cracked.

"She wanted our blood. Mine or Darren's," I said quietly. Taking a deep breath before continuing. I had to be strong. I would be strong. No more of my family would get hurt. "Apparently Darren and I have raw magic in our blood, that why our eyes glow silver. The first Alpha and Luna of Blood Bane were a wolf and a witch. The Luna witch did a spell to make their pack and heirs strong. The magic stayed with each child of the bloodline," I explained. My heart broke as I thought of Darren. Tate gave me a gentle squeeze.

"Shit," West whispered under his breath.

"Jade released the magic with the dagger that created the spell. By killing Darren she was able to harness that raw magic. She'll be able to use it to control the packs once the other Alphas are out of the way," Tate continued for me. I was grateful.

"She wanted me to do it..." I stammered. "She wanted to break me by making me kill him. I couldn't do it though. Cassia killed Darren," I flinched as the images flashed in my eyes of Cassia with the dagger. The same dagger that was just sitting on the table in front of us. Still caked with Darren's blood. I peeled my eyes away.

"So Jade has raw magic now on top of everything else?" Scott said.

"Yes," Tate replied.

"How can we even stop her! She can eliminate alphas like it's nothing!" Devin said standing up. She began pacing around the room. Shaking out her hands trying to steady them.

"What else are we supposed to do Devin?! Just surrender?!" Tate said raising his voice. "Are we supposed to just bow down and become slaves to her will. We have fought so hard to change and protect this pack. I won't just hand it over to her!" Tate shouted. Devin flinched. I could see it in Tate's eyes. He regretted shouting.

"Devin... I'm so-" Tate started.

"It's ok. After today... it's ok Tate," Devin said as she stopped pacing and took a seat.

"We need Jillian and Morgan," I said breaking the silence. "We can't really make any plans until we understand this magic better".

"I'll send for them right away," West said, getting out of his seat.

"We should all take some time. We won't be able to think clearly with our emotions all over the place. We can talk more tomorrow with everyone here," Tate said calmly.

Devin sighed as she leaned into Scott. Scott kissed her on the cheek which seemed to relax Devin. Only slightly but it was something. Tate left the room without another word as he quickly pulled away from me. Devin and I exchanged a look.

"Is he?" I started to ask Devin.

"It's been a long day. I'm sure he's just feeling the pressures of his Alpha role. Go talk to him, he needs his mate," She said, giving me a tired smile.

I left the study and headed to mine and Tate's room. Tate was sitting on the edge of the bed with his head between his hands. I took a seat next to him and stroked his back softly.

"We will get through this Tate. Morgan will explain. We will come up with a plan. You and I. This pack. We will all be ok," I was more so trying to convince myself this than him.

"That's only partly why I'm frustrated," Tate said, raising his brown eyes at me. I could see the anger gleaming through. His eyes were a shade darker than normal.

"Are you angry with me?" I asked.

"Of course I am," He said, looking at me as though I should know why. I felt a pang of hurt flash through me.

"Hadley you tried to take your own life. You tried to sacrifice yourself. Do you realize what I felt in that moment? What you did to me? I thought you were dead. When I could feel the blade go through you and that moment... Hadley I have never been so terrified," Tate said.

"I couldn't kill Darren! I wasn't going to have you die either. What option did I have?" I said, my voice raising. "You told me to pick you to die. How is that any different?! How is that any better?!" I shouted standing up.

"Because you would be alive Hadley!" Tate said, wrapping his arms around my waist. I was so angry with him I tried to shove him off me but he just held onto me tighter.

"So you get to sacrifice yourself but I can't?" I asked.

"Hadley I wouldn't be able to survive without you. Don't you get it. I need you," he said his voice breaking.

"But I need you," I stopped fighting his embrace and leaned into it.

"Never again," I said in a deadly tone. "Do not ever think that you are not just as important to me as I am to you. I love you dumb ass".

"I love you too Had," Tate said. He scooped me into his arms and laid me gently onto the bed.

"Never again," He whispered against my neck. 

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