Chapter Fifty Five:

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Hadley's POV

I had been lounging on one of the charis for a few hours. Turning the pages of the book but not really reading it all that closely. I was dying for a distraction from my thoughts but nothing worked. The book I had picked up ironically was a psychology book on wild wolf packs. The dynamic between the pack. It wasn't about werewolves but I had laughed briefly after finding it on the shelf. Pack life according to the book was so much more simple and straightforward then what I was feeling now.

I still loved psychology. I still wanted to finish my degree. At one point that had been the most important thing in my life. Get into school, get good grades, and start a new life.

I stood up placing the book back on the shelf. It was a selfish wish to want to return to that old life. I was the luna now. The pack looked up to me. Looked up to Tate to lead them. I wasn't sure there would be much time for psychology classes. I barely even knew what it meant to run a pack when there wasn't a greater threat. What Tate did to support everyone. I knew he managed properties, based on that brief encounter months ago on the store. But with what actually went on, I was practically useless.

I was feeling pretty defeated as I stared at the binding of the books. My hands gently tracing the leather of the older ones.

Tate came from behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I leaned into him savoring the moment. I felt so safe with him. He nuzzled his head into my neck.

"I want to learn more about the pack. About really being the luna," I said.

"You're already a great luna," Tate said kissing a spot on my neck.

I turned to face him so he could see my face "I'm serious. I don't know the first thing about what you do. The businesses you run. Or how we even train the warriors. During normal times what is my role in this pack?" I asked.

I lightly glared at Tate who had a smile growing on his lips with each statement I made.

"Tate," I groaned. Only half annoyed. I couldn't fully hide the effect his dazzling smile had on me.

"Sorry," he laughed. "I just find it very cute when you get all serious and determined. But you do know the first thing, you protect me. You protect this pack. You have already proven yourself... The rest of it is odds and ends and I will show you all of it. Is what West said getting to you?" He asked as his thumb gently stroked my cheek.

"It's crazy right? I can't be the Luna of Blood Bane".

"You don't have to make a decision today," Tate said softly.

"Do you want me to do it?" I asked.

"I will support you in whatever decision you make. I know you are still so new to this world despite how well you fit in already. I have to remind myself of that. Hadley you are Warren's heir. It may not feel like it but Blood Bane, the position.... It is your right to claim," Tate said.

"It just feels wrong," I whispered, leaning into Tate, my hands resting on his chest.

"Take the time you need, no one is asking you to choose right now. Just think about it and know that I have you. Whatever you choose," Tate lowered his head giving me a long and tender kiss.

I opened my mouth to speak more when West came into the room.

"Morgan's here".

"Alright bring everyone back in here," Tate said, not moving his hold on me. My cheeks flushed slightly at West witnessing the rather intimate position we were in.

"You got it Alpha," West said before leaving.

The moment West was out of the room Tate pushed me back into the bookshelf. A hand on my waist guided me as Tate's other hand rested against the shelf. I nearly lost my balance but Tate's hand steadied me. He crushed his mouth onto mine. I couldn't stop the small moan that came from my mouth. I could feel Tate's lips smile against mine.

As quick as the kiss started it was over. I was left breathless as Tate pulled away. I ran my hands through my hair trying to compose myself. Tate looked at me and his face was smug.

The noises in the hallway grew louder and everyone was coming into the room. I looked at Tate again as he casually took a seat acting as though nothing happened. Noticing my face he gave me a quick wink. I took a seat on the chair closest to me as I caught my breath. I really hoped no one else could notice the state I was currently in.

Morgan took a seat on the couch and everyone leaned in eagerly awaiting whatever information she had. Her eyes met mine and she gave me a small empathetic smile.

"Ok let's get right to it then," Morgan said. She leaned forward so that her elbows rested on her thighs.

"We know about the raw magic and what Jade intends to do with it. What we really need to know is what can we do to prevent her from using it," Tate said.

"I don't even know if this will work. This spell was casted so long ago that there is no clear formula for how it was done, or how to reverse it. This is mainly hearsay that has been passed down amongst the witches," Morgan said calmly. She ran a hand through her strawberry blonde hair.

"Morgan. Please just tell us. This is all we have to go off of," West said reaching over and holding her hand. Surprisingly enough Morgan didn't smack West's hand away. If my eyes weren't deceiving me she gave him a small squeeze.

"Ok so witches magic is greatly pulled from the earth. From nature. The blade itself that Jade used is a Blood Bane blade but it was made by the witches. Magic over time can gather and build in these areas. That magic creates a beacon of sorts. Witches can harness it and draw great power from it. These places though over the years are so scarce and don't draw nearly as much magic as they used to. The silver blade though was made from the earth that touched one of those beacons," Morgan explained.

"So what does that have to do with Jade?" Devin asked.

Morgan seemed only briefly annoyed at Devin's impatience; she took a deep breath and continued though. "The blade was made from raw magic from a place that siphoned raw magic. The blade was used in the ceremony but it's special. That's the reason that you and Darren have... had raw magic in you. The blade had held onto it and gave it to you during the ceremony your ancestors performed. That's also how it was able to take it away," Morgan waited as we processed the wait of her words.

I was the first to break the silence. "So what you're saying is that with the blade we could take away the raw magic from Jade?" I asked.

"You could take away all of Jade's magic," Morgan said. 

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