Chapter Fifty One:

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Hadley's POV

A few hours later Tate and I finally made ourselves decent and present before our pack. Tate had run off to check in with the pack warriors. Double checking on our borders. We had had too many unwanted guests lately just able to cross over like it was nothing. Jillian was off on a tracking mission. Something to do with Cassia Tate briefly had mentioned this morning before running off. Devin was with Scott. Which left West to train me this afternoon.

"For someone who spent all day in bed you look exhausted," West knowingly laughed as he lunged at me. We had already been sparring for an hour. West had made me do hill sprints and my whole body was protesting.

I stuck my tongue out at him, which earned me a laugh.

"Where's Morgan?" I asked between strikes and doges.

"She's meeting up with another one of her witchy friends today. Something about a book. She'll be back later though".

"How's that whole thing going?" I asked teasingly.

"You heard how that ended last time. I am not going down that dark path again," West laughed before adding. "I've sworn off women for the time".

I dropped my hands letting the exaggerated shock fill my face. "West Briar swearing off of women!? Who are you even?" my voice dripped in sarcasm.

"Ha-Ha. Very funny Hadley. I'm serious though. With Jillian mated to Braxton that's over. Morgan is out. I may as well just wait for my mate at this point. The only other women in the pack want to use me because they think it will get them ahead," West explained.

"Sorry," I said sincerely. "Is it rough? Seeing Jillian with Braxton?" I asked. It hadn't been too long ago that Devin and I had walked in on them in the kitchen the night Hale had attacked. Gods that seemed like a lifetime ago.

"What? No. Not at all. Jillian and I were more of a habit than anything. It was easy but it was never really anything more than friendship," West said before knocking me to the ground. I grunted as my back hit the earth. West helped me up before moving into position again.

"Well lets hope you find your mate soon because I honestly don't know how long you'll be able to hold out," I winked. West was only caught off guard for a moment. That was all I needed though. I used his weight against him, pinning him to the ground. I didn't shy away from giving him a victorious grin before we started laughing.

"Don't act so smug I have been at this all day. I'm tired," West pouted. But he couldn't hide the smirk growing on his lips.

"We just started a few hours ago," I laughed, punching him in the shoulder.

"Some of us were up at a reasonable time!" West laughed. "I've been training pack warriors all morning. This is like my sixtieth spar".

"You train the other warriors?" I asked. West was gone a lot of mornings but I hadn't ever really seen it.

"Yes, every morning at sunrise when I'm not occupied with you I go help train with the warriors. I'm the beta Hadley. It's part of my job for this pack. Plus it helps that I am just so good at fighting," He winked.

I jokingly rolled my eyes. "I want to come one morning. I'm the Luna of the pack now," I said. Not really asking.

"Tomorrow then. You can definitely hold your own amongst them. It will be good for them to see you and train with you," West said.

"So you think it's a good idea?" I asked.

"It's brilliant. The pack is loyal to you as their Luna. But if they get to know you. Care for you. That kind of loyalty isn't just given it is earned," West said thoughtfully.

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